Chapter 26

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Two more chapters after this one!


"We're going to get through this."

My mother fixed my tie and patted my chest with teary eyes. I brought her into a hug and tried not to get teary as well.

"Listen to your own advice," I murmured and separated from her. Maya was pacing and looking over documents in front of two large doors that led to the court room. Jasmine was next to me, holding Tori and talking to her and her parents with a short smile.

She was nervous too, and she couldn't sleep last night. Her tossing and turning led to a lot of emotions and coffee today.

"They'll see us now," Maya said before opening the two doors and strutting in confidently. I took Tori from Jasmine's arms with a kiss and glared at Martha who was smirking at us from her seat.

She was seated across from the judge in a light orange jumpsuit and handcuffs attached to the table in front of her.

"Case 1822, custody of one Tori Larson between Mr. Owen Larson and Ms. Martha Glasser," the judge murmured as she stared at her papers. "Let's begin."

"Your honor," the opposing lawyer stood. I tucked Tori's head into my neck. "We are just here to make it clear that Tori is not safe in Mr. Larson's care."

"She is not fit to be in your client's care either, so why should I not just sign all rights over to Mr. Larson?" The judge glared at the other lawyer.

"He has multiple cases pending against him," Maya sighed in aggravation and tapped her pen aggressively on the table, "and it is not safe for Tori to be in his custody."

"Objection, your honor. Mr. Larson now only has one case pending against him," Maya stood when the man was done talking.

"Sustained. I have the paperwork right here, sir," the judge directed at Martha's lawyer. "Don't lie to me."

"Yes, your honor," the man grumbled and sat down.

"Your honor, I would like to bring attention to the results of the psychologist visit," Maya handed someone some paperwork and they handed it to the judge. I hadn't even seen the results. It was quiet while she read over it.

"Looking at all the paperwork I have, I think I'm ready to make a decision," the judge murmured. My eyebrows raised and my arms tensed around Tori. That was quick. Was it supposed to be like this? I shot a worried look to Maya, but she just nodded at me.

"Tori will be moved into the foster-care system until Mr. Larson's case can be cleared. Case dismissed," the woman slammed the gavel down and handed the papers back to us.

My ears began to ring as Maya stood and shouted and two security staff closed in on me. No. I wouldn't let her go.

"Daddy?" Tori asked, confused. Jasmine was trying to climb over the barrier between the audience and I, but she wasn't fast enough. Maya pulled my hands away from Tori and I could do nothing but watch her be escorted away in confusion.

God, she didn't even know what was going on. No! Why did they take her?

I shot to my feet and tried to fly across two tables to throttle Martha's neck. She was the reason this was happening.

"No!" Arms wrapped around my body and threw me to the ground. I landed with a grunt and a gasp as the breath was knocked out of my body. Martha's lawyer was ushering her back to her cell and I looked up into the security guard's eyes.

I could hear Jasmine yelling at me to calm down. She didn't want to lose me too.

"Are we going to have any more problems, Mr. Larson?" The security guard asked loudly in my face.

"No," I gritted out between my teeth. They took their damn time getting off of me and Pres was quick to help me up while glaring at them.

"We'll get it figured out," Maya rushed to hug me. I left my arms limply at my side before my brain caught up to what she'd said and hugged her back.

"Thank you for your help," I murmured back and clenched my eyes shut. "It could have been worse without you."

"Owen," Jasmine flew into my arms as soon as Maya pulled away. Her fingernails scratched my back lightly as tears soaked through my t-shirt and landed on my shoulder. I finally let my tears fall when Maya ushered everyone away to give us some privacy.

"I should have done something," I whispered hoarsely into her neck. "I could have stopped them from taking her."

"I'm glad you didn't," Jasmine sniffled and pulled back.

"I should have—"

"You would have gotten arrested. That wouldn't have helped anything," Jasmine whispered.

"Listening to the law has gotten me nowhere," I snarled. "I should have killed Martha when I had the chance."

"The law helped Ripper out of jail and it put her behind bars," Jasmine reminded. I sighed and let her kiss my cheek before stepping back to face the music.

"My baby," my mother came up and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Hey, ma," my voice cracked.

"I'm so sorry, my baby boy," she whispered in my ear. I nodded.

"Maya's going to do her best, she'll get it done as quick as possible," she told me. I nodded again. We separated a few minutes later so I could thank Jasmine's family for being here. They were a bit teary as Jessica comforted Jasmine.

"I'm sorry, son. We'll help with whatever you need," George offered with sympathetic eyes. I nodded with a thick lump in my throat. Anita surprised me with a hug before I grabbed Jasmine's hand and dragged her out of the courthouse.

I was only able to make it to the SUV before completely losing control and balling my eyes out.

"Let's go home. We'll just pretend she's at your mom's house for the time being, okay? Let's go take a nap," she suggested.

"She's probably scared," I croaked.

"I know, baby, but all we can do is fight this. It's going to take time," her hands scratched the hair on the back of my head.

"I love you," my breath tickled her neck and she pushed away slightly.

"Need me to drive?" She gripped my hand tightly. I shook my head, sniffled, and put my seatbelt on. We made it back to the house and I shoved my head underneath all of our pillows. Jasmine climbed into bed with me but I couldn't fall asleep.

I had a feeling I wasn't going to get any sleep until I had Tori again.


This part BROKE MY HEART to write :(.

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