Chapter 16

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Oh my gosh! So many things happen between now and the end of the book...


"Owen? What the hell do you want?"

Martha opened the door and immediately glared at me. I crossed my arms over my cut and stepped towards her.

"Can I come in?" I asked. Martha stood back and opened the door, then slammed it behind me. I shuddered.

"It's been a want something to drink?" Martha said softly. I glared at her and said nothing. "Well, are you even going to tell me while you're here?"

"Tori's been complaining about you. I just hope you stop," I muttered between my teeth. Her eyebrows rose.


"If you continue to do this, I'll take you to court. You can't be a bitch to our daughter," I snarled. It was like a switch flipped in her mind.

When she turned to sweep everything off the counter, I subtly pulled my phone out and pressed record. Her arms pushed everything off. Glass flew everywhere and she opened some cabinets.

This was why I left her. She continuously did this while pregnant and if I found out she had done this around Tori, I was going to take her and leave.

"I don't think you remember our first custody fight," she yelled. "All I have to say is that she won't be safe in your MC. Everyone will take my side. I'm her mother."

I stepped forward and clenched my fists. The last time, the judge had been horrified to learn that I was in a motorcycle club, and I almost lost custody at all.

"She's not coming over next week," I stormed out of the house. Martha followed me to the front yard, screaming and trying to attack me physically.

Blade was in the car with Tori and I motioned for him to drive away. He scrambled into the passenger seat and pulled away from the driveway as fast as he could.

"You need help. You don't need to be around our daughter," I turned around and yelled. "You can't keep acting like this!"

"Tori comes over next week or I take you to court for kidnapping. Try me, Owen, and see where it gets you," Martha threatened. Her hair was all over the place and her hands were shaking and she took another swing at me.

Neighbors were coming out to watch now. I couldn't go to jail for kidnapping and let Tori live with this psychotic bitch, but it physically hurt me to have to let her come back to this.

Tires screeched behind me and Jasmine came storming out of her car.

"What the fuck is going on?" Jasmine stormed towards Martha. I grabbed her around her waist and held her back.

"We have to go," I grunted.

"No, she doesn't get to treat Tori like this. She doesn't get to be Tori's mother!" Jasmine screamed. I dropped her in her passenger seat and stormed to the driver's seat of her small sedan.

"I'm going to kill her," Jasmine breathed. "What did she say?"

"She said if I don't drop Tori off on Sunday like usual she's going to have me arrested for kidnapping," I muttered and hit the steering wheel. Jasmine grabbed my hand and rubbed it softly.

"She can't do that," Jasmine insisted. I shook my head.

"She can, and she will. I can't let that happen, Jasmine. How did you know where I was?" I asked and turned to her slightly.

"Blade pulled up and I got her address out of him." She grumbled. "I can't believe she would say that."

"I'm sorry that you're involved in this," I whispered. She squeezed my hand.

All I could think about was Tori.

When we got back, Tori was clearly inside with Blade and I barely waited for Jasmine to get out of the car before rushing into her home.

"Tori?" I asked. She came running at me from the kitchen.

"I love you," I breathed as I crouched down to hug her. She sobbed into my neck. Jasmine stepped forward and wrapped her arms around the both of us.

"Take my car back to the clubhouse and tell Pres I won't be back until next week. Can you have someone drop off some of Tori and I's stuff?" I asked Blade quietly. He nodded, pat me on the back, and stepped out softly.

"Let's go lie down, hm?" I asked Tori. I grabbed Jasmine by the hand and pulled her to the bedroom. I only took of my cut and laid down, putting Tori next to me. Jasmine laid on the other side of her.

Tori's cries turned to sniffles, then to hiccups before she fell asleep. I brushed the hair out of her face and tucked her into the blankets.

"She doesn't deserve this," I whispered. Jasmine reached over Tori to hold my hand.

"I know. We'll get through it," she assured.

"I hope you don't mind that we're staying here for a few days. I just want to be with you, and you will make Tori feel better," I said tentatively.

"It's absolutely fine," Jasmine replied. "You don't even have to ask. Here..." Jasmine got up from the bed and jogged to the kitchen.

She returned less than a minute later with something in her hand. She extended it towards me and dropped something in my hand.

Jasmine had just handed me a copy of her house key.

"If you ever need to come here, even when I'm not here, you're more than welcome," she whispered. I leaned over Tori to kiss Jasmine on the cheek.

"Thank you. You have no idea how much that means to me," I whispered to her. I fell asleep for about an hour and left the girls alone in bed to go make some dinner.

I made some pasta, easy and fast to cook, and woke Jasmine up first. While the pasta sat on the table for a bit, she worked on the sauce and I went to wake up Tori.

We ate quietly, and I hated it.

"I don't want to go back to mommy's," Tori mumbled underneath her breath. I glanced at Jasmine, then back at her.

"I don't want you to go either, but you have to; just until I can figure something out, okay?" I asked her. She nodded and pushed away the rest of her food.

"I'm full," Tori said. She stepped out of the kitchen, looking somber.

"The food is delicious," Jasmine muttered from the other side of the table. I looked over to see her mouth full of pasta and sauce all over her face.

"Am I taking care of two eight-year-olds?" She got the first chuckle of the day out of me. Soon enough we were both laughing as Jasmine tried—and failed—to clean all of the pasta sauce off of her face.

"Let's make these next few days really fun," she said quietly. "And I only work on Saturday, so I could go with you to drop her off?"

"I'd love that," I leaned over the table and kissed her. "Let's go get the kid and get some ice cream."

"Okay, daddy!" Jasmine and I glanced over to see Tori, her mood completely changed, standing in the hallway with a smile.

Things would never get bored with these two around.


Hope you enjoyed!

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