Chapter 6

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I love this chapter! I hope you guys like it too :).


"What do you think?"

I stood in front of Blade with a crooked tie and a nervous smile. I sobered up quickly after a few bottles of water and showered and dressed for the date. My cut was on top of a button up shirt and tie.

I hadn't eaten anything all day but eating before going on a dinner date didn't seem like the smartest thing to do.

"Let me fix your tie," Blade muttered and reached for my chest. "Isn't this supposed to be the other way around?"

"Shut it," I said with a slight smile.

"Go before you're late," He stepped back. I grabbed my keys, shouted for him to lock everything behind him, and hopped in the SUV.

I punched "Harper's Tavern" into my GPS app and drove a little faster than I normally liked to get there on time.

I walked into the dimly lit restaurant and asked the hostess for a table for two.

"Owen," I heard Jasmine's voice before she touched my arm softly. We hugged silently and she told me she already had a table.

"How are you?" I asked while pulling her chair out. She sat in and pushed herself slightly closer to the table.

"I'm good, really good; missing Disney," she chuckled. "You?"

"Good, good. Not missing Disney quite as much as you, I'm sure," I laughed. We both ordered drinks and the conversation never stopped.

"How is Tori?" Jasmine asked just after we got our food. I debated on how to answer.

"She's good...with her mom this week," I took a large bite of my salmon.

"That's good," she said softly. It wasn't good, but she didn't know that.

"So, who were you at Disney with? Some friends?" I steered the conversation in a different direction.

"And my sister," Jasmine took a bite of her pasta. "She's getting married next week. It was sort of a bachelorette party."

"That's awesome. It must have been really fun," I raised my eyebrows.

"And I met you. I would say that's a pretty good trip," she flirted. I smirked and took another bit of my salmon.

"I had a great time. I'm glad we're doing this," I murmured. She nodded with a genuine smile.

We finished our food, ordered a slice of chocolate cake for dessert, and talked until we had nothing else to talk about. I paid for the meal quickly and rested my hand on her lower back to escort her to her car.

"This is me," she whispered. The key fob in her hands clicked and the headlights flashed. "I had an amazing time, Owen."

"Me too. I would love to do this again," I said nervously. I really hoped she couldn't tell that I was shifting from foot to foot in anticipation.

"I'd like that," Jasmine said softly. "You'll have to tell me more about your club." She motioned towards my cut and I couldn't help my huge smile.

It was nice for someone to be interested in the club, rather than running away from it as soon as they realized what it was for.

"That sounds great. I'll call you?" I questioned. She nodded.

I pulled open her car door and shut it behind her. Jasmine started her car and pulled out of the parking lot.

Only then did I get into my car and settle into quietness. I glanced at Tori's car seat in the back and tried to shake off the feelings that were coming up.

I got home at about nine-thirty and climbed into bed only to not be able to fall asleep. I rolled and tossed until joining a few drunks at the bar at around one o'clock in the morning.

Pres and Maya were still there and were making out—almost more—in the corner of the room. I grimaced and took my beer to go.

After I finished it off I fought the urge for another one. I needed to get better.

The next morning Pres called me to my office right after I'd eaten an apple for breakfast.

"Yeah?" I strode into his large office. A wide desk took up most of the room, and it was scattered with papers, pens, and trash. A fireplace

"I have a run for you and Blade. That cool with you?"

"How long?"

"Two days," Pres handed me a paper. I glanced it over and tossed it into the fire.

"Got it." I left to go pack a quick bag in my room. I wished Martha and I were on better terms so I could call to check on Tori, but she would just curse me out and hang up.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket when it dinged with a text message.

"You free Monday?" Jasmine had messaged me. I smiled slightly and typed back.

"I'm on a run until Monday afternoon. What's up?"

"We have a dress appointment for my sister," Jasmine texted back. "it's in Portland. I thought we could go to dinner?"

"Sounds great. I can pick you up from the dress shop? What is it called?" I typed back. She didn't answer right away so I tossed my phone on my bed and packed the rest of my things.

"Sam's Bridal. Our appointment gets over at 4! See you then." I smiled at my phone and trailed downstairs to find Blade already waiting.

"Let's go," I said to him as I walked by.

"Wait! Wait, I want a sandwich!" Blade rushed to the kitchen. He came scrambling out and packed his bike while I was ready to pull out of our lot.

We took off towards Ashland, a few hours south of Portland, to meet up with a potential business partner. The meeting, with Pres on the phone as well, took five hours. Blade and I passed out as soon as our heads hit our pillows in our hotel rooms.

The next day was full of different meetings with different suppliers, contractors, and more. We would probably end up choosing local for that kind of thing, but it was always good to look at different options.

"We can finally head back, thank God," Blade swung his leg over his bike. I was already on mine.

"You go ahead. I have somewhere to be," I started my bike.

"Jasmine? Or is something wrong with Tori?" Blade's eyes became worried.

"Jasmine," I answered and pulled out of the hotel parking lot.

I was hungry, and this time, not just for food.


This chapter is short for some reason, but they get longer in the future. Hope you liked it!

Torch | Fallen Angels MC #2Where stories live. Discover now