Chapter 7

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This book takes a lot of turns compared to Pres! Be prepared for those up ahead.


I had forgotten to tell Jasmine I was going to be on my bike.

I felt a little embarrassed pulling up to a cute little wedding shop where everyone stared and pulled my phone out to occupy myself.

4:50. I was early.

I ignored the women standing and staring in the floor-to-ceiling window of the bridal boutique and checked my phone again.


I figured I should call Pres and let him know I wasn't going to be home.

"Pres," he answered.

"Hey. I'm not getting back with Blade tonight, I'm taking Jasmine out."

"Oh, really? Have fun," Pres sounded genuinely surprised.

"Thanks," I shoved my phone in a zip up pocket and swung my leg off of my bike. Jasmine came out, her dark hair swishing around her, laughing and smiling with a group of women.

I swallowed, thinking I should have brought some flowers, and waited for her to approach me. Another woman spotted me first and gasped before shoving Jasmine in her side.

Jasmine spotted me, smiled, waved, and said a few words to the group before striding towards me. I smiled and stepped forward to hug her lightly.

"How are you?" I asked.

"Good, you?"

"I'm good. How was the bridal...stuff?" I winced when I said it the way I did. She just laughed and told me it had all went well.

"My sister found a dress," Jasmine murmured. Her eyes glanced behind me. "You brought your bike?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry I forgot to mention it..."

"It's more than alright! I've always wanted to ride a motorcycle, you're just lucky I'm wearing jeans," she motioned to the high-waisted pants she was wearing. I smiled and got the extra helmet I always carried around out of the back of my bike.

"Lean with me," I started and slid the helmet on her smiling head, "and hold on tight."

"Got it," Jasmine smiled. I took her bag from her and put it into the compartment I had gotten the helmet out of.

I mounted the bike and used my left hand to help her on behind me. She jumped and giggled when I started my bike and the loud noise rang across the street.

"You ready?" I asked through the comms unit in both helpet. She laughed again and squeezed me tight.

"Let's go!"

I may have taken the long, windy road to the restaurant instead of taking a shortcut across town, but Jasmine's laughter was more than worth it.

I pulled up to a seafood diner in the outer banks of Portland and helped her off first. She took off her own helmet with a smile and held her hand to the door.

"So, what's the best here?" Jasmine flipped through the menu.

"Fish and chips by far," I stressed. We both ordered it and a few sodas for our meal.

"Tell me more about your motorcycle club, it sounds fascinating," Jasmine murmured. I nodded and took a sip of my soda.

"Well, long story short, it's a private club and it's sort-of based on a hierarchy. I'm second in command, the man and woman that were with me at Disney are the President and the Queen."

"Queen? Shouldn't it be First Lady?" Jasmine cocked her head slightly.

"No, no. The Queen is more powerful than the's a long story," I muttered.

"So what do you guys do?"

"We run a few businesses; construction, garage, stuff like that. We dabble in some...other stuff too," I needed to change the subject. "It's my life. I love it."

"That sounds amazing. Like a real family," Jasmine smiled at me. I nodded and smiled at Jasmine right before our food was delivered.

"Tell me more about you and your family. What do you do?"

"I'm a trauma surgeon," Jasmine took a bite of a French fry. "I work in the emergency room at the hospital in Salem."

"That sounds intense," was all I could muster. I couldn't imagine being in her line of work.

"It is. It keeps me on my toes. My mom is a pediatrician and my dad is an accountant," she murmured. I nodded.

"My dad died when I was young—colon cancer—but my mom is retired. She loves watching Tori, but it's hard to split the time considering I only get her every other week." I told her honestly.

"So that's your custody agreement? Every other week? That must be tough for you," Jasmine said sympathetically.

"You have no idea," I chuckled humorlessly.

"Thank you for coming to lunch with me," Jasmine said softly as we left the restaurant. We got on my bike and I took her back to her car in the lot of the bridal boutique.

"I'll text you?" I murmured softly. She nodded with a smile. I took a chance, stepped a bit closer, and laid a quick, fleeting kiss on her lips.

She stretched those same lips into a content grin.

"Text me," she breathed before stepping back. I opened her car door open and waited until she was settled to close it. I waved her off as she drove away.

I got back on my bike and flew back to the clubhouse with a happy grin. Pres spotted me as soon as I walked in.

"Blade debriefed me," he explained, eyeing me suspiciously. "You look like you had fun."

"I did," I answered. I reviewed and submitted a few documents from my office to Pres and some to Maya before relaxing in my living room. I didn't feel the urge to drink a beer, or any alcohol for that matter, but I couldn't wait to pick up Tori tomorrow.

I turned on a movie and soon relaxed enough to fall asleep.

I woke up with the lower half of my body off of the couch. A loud complaint echoed from the kitchen. Why the hell was Blade in my house again?

I was starting to regret giving him a key.

"Not again," I heard him groan as he entered the living room. "Torch! Wake up!"

I cracked one eye open at him and stood up to crack and soothe my sore back. Blade looked around the room for bottles.

"I didn't drink last night, Blade. Leave it," I muttered.

"What do you mean?"

"Want some breakfast?" I pulled a granola bar and a banana out of the pantry.

"Your healthy shit? No way. Tell me what happened last night," He demanded.

"I watched a movie and fell asleep." I checked the time on the microwave; almost time to pick Tori up.

"Thanks for waking me up on time," I walked past him. "I really need to start setting alarms."

"What the hell is going on?" Blade whispered himself. I jogged up the stairs to change.

"I've got to go get Tori!" I shouted at him.

"What are you on?" Blade yelled across the house.

"I don't know," I muttered to myself and pulled a new shirt on. I made sure my watch was clasped on correctly and slipped some shoes on before going back downstairs.

"I'll see you later," I clasped my hand on his shoulder.

"I need to go pick up my favorite girl."


Hope you enjoyed!

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