Chapter 18

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Someone got mad at me and is making me update this chapter, but I feel like everyone is mad at me.


Two hospitals in one day was my nightmare.

It was my nightmare before I rushed into a hospital room to see a sleeping Tori and a teary Jasmine. She stood from her chair as soon as I stumbled in.

"My God," I whispered before pulling Tori into a tight hug.

This was my new worst nightmare.

"Are you okay? What happened? Where the hell is Martha? What's going on?" I pulled away from Tori. Jasmine grabbed me by the arms and sat me down in the seat she had been sitting in previously.

She wiped her eyes and grabbed my face between her hands.

"Tori is fine," she answered. "I looked her over myself. She showed up here, frantic, about two hours ago."

"What the hell happened?" I snarled. Jasmine glanced at Tori. She was slowly dozing off in her bed, looking so small in a normal-sized hospital bed.

"Maybe we should take this outside," she whispered.

"I'm not leaving her," I insisted.

"We'll be right outside," she insisted. "C'mon." Jasmine pulled me outside with one last, fleeting glance at my daughter.

"Please tell me what's going on," I begged. She swallowed thickly and glanced around.

"Tori showed up asking for me two hours ago. She was crying and screaming and couldn't tell us what was wrong; her arm was broken, Owen. Shattered," Jasmine breathed. My entire body stilled as my heart threatened to pound out of my chest.

"I'm going to kill her."

"Owen, no!" I tried to push past her but she held on, digging her heels into the ground to try and stop me. It wasn't working.

"Owen, someone is going to call security and you're going to get kicked out!" Jasmine shouted. I stopped in my tracks and accidentally caused her to fall to the floor.

"Are you okay?" I rushed down to help her up.

"I'm fine. I was expecting you to react like that. I was also expecting you to bring people with you. Where is everyone?" She glanced around. I swallowed and looked towards the ground.

"Pres and Maya got engaged a few weeks ago. They found out she was pregnant recently...and she lost the baby this morning," I answered quietly. Jasmine gasped and touched my face softly.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered. "This has been a horrible day for you, huh?"

"Yeah, um..." I trailed off. "I'm going to make a few calls. Will you stay with her for a minute?"

"Of course. As soon as she came in I called the rest of the day off. I'll call off however much time you guys need," she pulled me into a hug. I rested my head against the top of hers and squeezed her tighter and tighter until she laughed and pulled away.

I watched her go back into the room before yanking my phone out of my pocket. Blade was the first person I called.

"Blade," he answered.

"Get to OHSU hospital in Salem right now," I snarled.

"OHSU? I thought Pres was at—"

"It's not Pres," My voice got softer. "It's Tori." Blade cursed and hung up on me. I called Pres next. Rampage answered the phone.

Torch | Fallen Angels MC #2Where stories live. Discover now