Chapter 15

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Hope you're enjoying the book! I'm almost finished writing it, then I'll upload all the rest of the chapters at once!


Sniper and I stuck close to each other on the ride back.

I found myself clutching my handlebars tightly, nervously as we neared the clubhouse. Pres wasn't going to be happy about me taking the lead at that restaurant.

Men came out of the clubhouse and clasped us on the back, glad to see us healthy, and led us inside.

"Son of a bitch," Pres slammed me into the wall by my neck, "you think you can just ignore me?"

"No, sir," I said loudly.

"That's your warning. One more and I'll be forced to consider suspension, am I understood?" Pres yelled in my face. I swallowed and nodded.

"It won't happen again, Pres," I muttered. Pres calmed himself down a few seconds later and released me to pat me on the back.

Sniper and I debriefed him on the situation before I raced to pack a bag at my house.

"If you need me, I'll be at Jasmine's house—oh," I remembered, "if a chick named Jukebox comes by here to prospect, listen to her."

"Okay?" Pres said it more like a question, but I wasn't staying to listen to anything else. I jogged to my SUV in the driveway at my house and threw my bag inside before flying to Jasmine's house.

Jasmine was sitting on her front porch watching Tori run around the yard when I pulled down the street. Tori started to take off towards my car but Jasmine yelled and she stopped in her tracks.

I barely parked before my door was yanked open and Tori was climbing onto my lap.

"I missed you, daddy," she hugged me. I grabbed my bag with one hand and slipped out of the car.

"I missed you too," I whispered to her. Once I set her down, she ran off to play again and I greeted Jasmine with a quick kiss.

"I missed you too," Jasmine whispered with a laugh. I dropped my bag on her front porch and started chasing Tori around.

Her energy and smiles were infectious, and soon, Jasmine joined in too.

"Want to order some pizza for dinner?" Jasmine asked me as we took a break. Tori was sitting in the middle of the grassy yard with a soccer ball in her hands.

"Sure," I whispered. That night was the first night I had really felt like a family. Of course, Tori and I made up our family before Jasmine, and I never dreamt of letting a woman into Tori's life, but I was grateful Jasmine was here.

We ate pizza and played with Tori a bit more, made sure she did her homework for the night, and went to bed.

"She really has been great," Jasmine smiled in bed. She was curled up against me.

"Good at school, too?" I asked.

"Yup! I didn't have any problem picking her up. I'm going to be sad to see her go, I don't know how you drop her off once a week," Jasmine muttered. I clenched her tighter against me.

"Would you mind if I added your phone number to her emergency sheet I send with her to Martha's? If something were to happen, you're closest to Keizer," I asked.

"Keizer? That's where Martha lives?" She asked quietly. "Of course. I'll do anything for her."

"Thank you," I kissed the top of her head, then tilted her head up with my finger so I could kiss her lips.

Torch | Fallen Angels MC #2Where stories live. Discover now