Chapter 17

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So much happens in this chapter. 

There is a trigger warning below, but if you don't need it, scroll past it--it will give away the chapter.

I'm so sorry.

Trigger Warning: Miscarriage


"It'll be okay."

Jasmine hugged me from behind and rested her chin between my shoulder and my neck. She laid a gentle kiss there before releasing me.

It was the dreaded drop-off day.

I held Tori's hand tight on the way to the car and buckled her in with what felt like a brick of lead at the bottom of my stomach.

Jasmine tried to keep both of us distracted on the way there, Tori laughing in the back seat while I could barely plaster a smile on my face.

Martha already had the door open and glared at my SUV as we pulled over on her small street. As I got out of the car, she couldn't keep her eyes off of Jasmine. I ignored her and talked softly to Tori before removing her from the car.

Martha's house was only about ten minutes from Jasmine's work, and thirty from Jasmine's house.

It made me feel a lot better knowing someone was so close to her, but I was still a nervous wreck. I wrapped Tori in a tight hug and tried not to let my fear show.

I know Tori didn't like Martha necessarily, but I didn't want her to be scared. This week would fly by...hopefully.

"You know my number, right?" I clarified just like any other drop-off. She recited it back to me and I smiled in relief. "I put Jasmine's phone number in your bag, okay?"

"I don't want to go," Tori whispered. I kissed her head and helped her out of her car seat.

"This week is going to go by so fast," I teased her and pinched her cheeks. She swatted my hand away and took her backpack from me.

"I love you. Have fun," I said softly.

"Love you too, daddy," Tori whispered. She walked slowly to Martha, who stepped back and let her step in the house before glaring at me again and shutting the door loudly.

I took a step towards the door. She couldn't act like that around our daughter...

"Hey," the car door shut behind me and Jasmine ran around in front of me. "Let's go to the clubhouse. We can stay there for tonight, okay?"

"I hate this. I hate it so much," I whispered. She squeezed me tighter and laid a soft kiss on my lips before practically yanking me back to the car.

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