Chapter 20

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The first line of this chapter breaks my heart :(


"Owen Larson, you have the right to remain silent," the officer began while securing my hands behind my back.

I knew this was coming.

Rooster, while working the gate, had warned us that cops were asking for entrance. Maya swallowed, hugged me, and went outside to meet the cops. Pres clasped me on the shoulder tightly before following her out.

"Take Tori upstairs," I whispered to Jasmine. "I don't want her to see this." Her eyes filled with tears.


"I'll be back soon," I assured both of them. I kissed Tori's head, then Jasmine's lips before watching them ascend the stairs.

The front door opened again, and four officers entered, looking around suspiciously. One caught my eye and moved towards me. He recited my rights off to me as I was handcuffed in front of the entire club and escorted to a police car.

I was cursing Martha to the moon and back the entire ride to the station. She was being held somewhere else, which was lucky for her, because I was ready to kick her ass.

What stories had she told the police? What had she exaggerated? They waited about five hours before pulling me into questioning.

"I'd like my lawyer, Maya Bariding," I said without blinking before they'd even sat me down. The man in the room clenched his jaw before following my orders and exiting.

Thirty minutes later Maya burst through the door of the dark room and sat next to me at the table. She smiled slightly at the sight of me, but put her serious face back on when an officer and a detective entered the room.

"You've been arrested on two counts of murder, three counts of assault, and two counts of theft," the detective rattled off. Maya widened her eyes in disbelief before scoffing.

"Can we help you, Ms. Bariding?" The detective leaned forward in his chair.

"Well, first of all you can give my client and I your name," Maya leaned forward to face him.

"My name is Detective Morgan, and this is Officer Reagan. Can we move on to questioning?" The detective asked in a demeaning voice. I clenched my hands in my handcuffs and waited for the first question.

"Where were you on March 7, 2012?" The detective read off of his paper.

I had opened my mouth to answer before Maya shot me down. "You don't have to answer that," she said with a smile. I glanced at her in confusion, but the detective just looked pissed off.

"How long have you been a part of the Fallen Angels Motorcycle Club?"

This time, I glanced at Maya before answering. She gave me a small nod without even looking at me.

"Twelve years—thirteen this fall," I answered. Detective Morgan nodded.

"Have you ever been to Niagra Falls?"

"You don't have to answer that," Maya said after crossing her legs underneath the table. A few more questions (and immediate responses from Maya) and the questioning was over. Maya asked for a moment alone before she left.

"Jasmine is worried sick," she stared at my hands handcuffed to the table, "but Tori is keeping her busy."

"When can I get out of here?"

"This state has offer bail no later than twenty-four hours after the arrest. My guess is they're going to wait the full twenty-four hours," Maya responded softly. I clenched my jaw shut and nodded.

"I'll have Sniper come pick you up tomorrow," she leaned down to hug me. "I'm sorry I can't do more."

"You've done more than enough," I assured her. Maya's hand drifted towards her stomach before she caught herself and excused herself from the station.

I was given my own cell for the night and slept on a bed that felt like a rock. I cursed as I tried to find a comfortable spot before taking the floor instead. How could the floor feel better than the actual bed?

I woke up a few times during the night to cells opening and closing, and screaming coming down the hall at one point.

The toilet was uncomfortable and embarrassing with a camera able to see me pissing. I didn't know how Ripper was able to be in here for so long. The rest of the day passed impossibly slowly.

I ignored the food they'd set out for me and twiddled my thumbs until an officer came banging on my cell.

"Larson," he yelled even though he was only a few feet in front of me, "someone posted bail, you're free to go."

I stomped down the hall, my boots making a large clanking noise as they jingled down the hall. Sniper greeted me with a hug and tossed me the keys to the truck he'd driven to the station.

Everyone knew I preferred to drive.

"How was your time in the clink?" Sniper chuckled. A punch in the arm quickly shut him up.

"How's Jasmine? Tori?" I asked.

"Good," Sniper smiled. "Jasmine told her you were spending the night at your mom's house. Tori got jealous."

I smirked. Jasmine hadn't met my mom yet, and I still needed to talk to her about that date she went on.

"I have an idea," I muttered to myself as I pulled past the gates at the clubhouse. Jasmine came running from the front door and jumped into my arms before the car door had swung shut. Tori shouted my name from atop a smiling Blade's shoulders.

"Are you okay?" Jasmine breathed in my ear. She pulled back to look into my eyes but I just shoved my head back into her dark brown hair.

"I'm fine," I kissed her cheek. "Promise."

"Daddy," Tori glared as Blade walked up to us.

"Yes, princess?" I smiled at Tori. She crossed her arms over Blade's head.

"You went to Grandma's house without me?" Tori was doing a horrible job of keeping a straight face.

"I'm sorry. Next time we'll all go, just the three of us, okay?" A plan was beginning to form in my head as Jasmine slid off of my body to land on the ground. I grinned at her, not even hiding the fact that I was acting suspicious.

Jasmine narrowed her eyes at me before turning her attention back to Tori and my brothers around her.

God, please don't make me choose.



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