Chapter 14

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Dedicated to Boo...


"I know you're excited, Tori, but can you at least act sad that I'm leaving?" I laughed.

She was wide awake before my alarm this morning, ready to go to Jasmine's house. We were just about to pull up to where she would be staying for a while and she could barely sit still.

I helped Tori out of the car and grabbed two bags from the trunk before allowing her to knock excitedly on her front door. Jasmine opened the door in a pair of tight sweatpants and a t-shirt, her hair still in a ponytail from the night before.

"Minnie!" Tori shouted and flew into her legs. Jasmine crouched down and hugged her tightly before ushering us inside.

"I made chocolate chip pancakes; do you like those?" she questioned an excited Tori peeking around her living room.

"Yes!" Jasmine let Tori rush to the kitchen and stepped forward to give me a kiss.

"I can't stay for long," I whispered and kissed her harder. We joined an ecstatic Tori in the kitchen for breakfast before I had to leave ten minutes later.

"It was delicious," I hugged Jasmine for the front door. "Text me before you call me, and if you can't reach me, I left a piece of paper with instructions, phone numbers, and a key to my house if you need anything for her."

"Everything will be fine," Jasmine assured. She kissed me lightly when Tori wasn't looking and stepped back to let her say goodbye.

"Be good for Jasmine. I'll call when I can. I love you," I whispered to Tori as I hugged her. She squeezed me tightly and started to get a little teary until Jasmine told her that she had never seen Mulan.

I've never seen an eight-year-old turn so quickly on her father. I whispered another goodbye and shut the door behind me.

Sniper met me outside the clubhouse, completely ready to go, so we were off withing minutes of me arriving back.

We made the seven-and-a-half-hour drive in one day and had a few drinks before retiring to our rooms slightly tipsy and too tired to change clothes.

I banged on Sniper's hotel room door the next morning, pissed that we were about to be late.

"C'mon, man!" I got one last hit it before he opened the door looking grumpy but ready to go. We got on our bikes and drove to another hotel where we were meeting them.

"Pres, you copy?" I checked by pressing my earpiece. Pres agreed to drop Maya off at her parents' and come back to the clubhouse for any emergencies.

"I copy," he cleared his throat.

"We're going in," Sniper responded. We met in the restaurant of the hotel and saw a younger man and woman already sitting at the reserved table.

"Glad you could make it," the boy sneered. Sniper took a step forward to wipe the smirk off of the kid's face but I grabbed his shoulder tightly. We weren't here to fight.

"Let's get straight to the point," I rolled my eyes and sat down. "What do you have?"

"Let's eat first, no?" The boy picked up his menu and scanned the items leisurely. I turned to the girl sitting next to him; probably seventeen, maybe eighteen, and she looked scared as hell.

"Who are we speaking to?" Sniper asked through gritted teeth.

"I'm Pres, this is our Jukebox," the boy pointed to the girl. She shivered in fear.

Torch | Fallen Angels MC #2Where stories live. Discover now