Chapter 22

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I love this chapter! :)


"I figured Tori could use some time alone with her grandma. We could use some alone time too," I muttered.

Jasmine smiled at me as she buckled her seatbelt. I couldn't wait to take her to my favorite restaurant as a kid.

We arrived in about ten minutes to an extremely small but popular fish restaurant.

"You really love your seafood," Jasmine joked from the passenger seat.

"Only thing I like more is my mom's stew...and you, I guess," I joked back. She smacked my shoulder but kept her smile until we were seated at the restaurant.

"Johnny," I cheered and stood to shake the head chef's hand. "Jasmine, this is Johnny, the head cook."

"Nice to meet you," Jasmine shook his hand as well, looking genuinely thrilled to meet him.

"I'm the cause of his seafood addiction," Johnny joked. Jasmine laughed.

"So you're the reason?" Jasmine chuckled and held my hand. "I wouldn't want him any other way."

"Bleh. I need to get back to the kitchen," Johnny gagged. I punched him on his way back to the grill. Jasmine agreed with me that the seafood there was the best she'd ever had.

That was good news: I hadn't told her, but if she didn't like it, we were going to have some serious problems.

I took her to a park, similarly to how Pres proposed, and sat her down on a bench.

"Stay here," I told her and jogged back to get the extra bag from the car. I jogged back and had the plain, white box pulled out of the bag for her.

"What's this?" Jasmine looked confused. "I was wondering what the extra bag was."

"It's a present," I set the bag down.

"Can I open it?" She asked. I nodded and crouched down in front of her, trying not to bite my nails in anticipation.

She ripped it open, not even bothering to undo the bow, and frowned in confusion at the contents.

"A leather jacket?" She asked in confusion. I cleared my throat.

"This is a cut...just like mine. It's got your road name on the back. I want to make you my old lady, Jasmine," I murmured. She still looked confused and I laughed nervously.

"This is basically proposing in the MC world," I explained, "just without the ring. I want you to be my old lady, Jasmine. I want you to be a part of our family." I clenched my hands together nervously. She no longer looked confused, but I couldn't decipher the look on her face.

"Nothing would make me happier," she whispered and dropped her cut to fly into my arms. I smiled, relieved, and tucked my face into her neck, full of her thick, dark brown hair.

"I love you," I whispered. Jasmine smiled and pulled back to kiss me.

"I love you too," she responded. I pulled back from her hug and helped her put her cut on.

"You look hot as hell," I laughed. Her eyes filled with tears when she read what was on the back. "Minnie" was stretched across her shoulders as her road name for the rest of her life.

Tori would be thrilled that she had come up with her name.

"Don't take this off except to sleep and to shower," I whispered in her ear. She stood on her toes and kissed me on the cheek before grabbing my hand.


When we got back to the house both Tori and my mom squealed in excitement as soon as they saw her cut. Tori practically broke the windows with her piercing screams when she saw Jasmine's road name. It took a while to calm her down.

"Congratulations, baby," my mom hugged me tightly. "You picked the perfect woman." After putting Tori to bed, I tried to get Jasmine in a certain...mood. It wasn't working.

"Tori is next door and your mom is down the hall, we're not doing anything tonight," she swore. I grumbled but just tightened my hold around her and closed my eyes, trying to go to sleep.

"Oh," I remembered. "I forgot to mention, being an old lady means you'll have to move in with me. If you want to wait—"

"Consider it done. I wanted to move in anyway," Jasmine whispered.


"Of course," she muttered against my neck. "I can put in an application to OHSU."

"What if you did what Maya is doing? You could work for the club. Doc always needs help," I chuckled thinking of the grumpy man a few years older than me.

"I'll get paid?" Jasmine sounded surprised.

"Yeah," I muttered, "and besides, you'll be living at my house for free."

"I'll think about it. Now let me sleep," she demanded. Jasmine snuggled in closer to me.

We had breakfast and lunch with my mom the next day before heading back to the clubhouse. Some members were outside, some having a smoke while others were already having a beer, and they cheered as we drove by.

I guess Pres had told the entire club I had asked her to be my old lady.

"Here," I shrugged off my sweatshirt before putting my cut back on.

"What?" Jasmine took it from me with a confused glance.

"I want to mess with him," I pointed to Pres outside of my house. Maya and Blade were waiting with them too.

"Ha! On it," Jasmine laughed from the passenger seat. I parked the car just as she zipped it on over her cut. Tori was squealing in the backseat as Blade came and opened her door.

"Hey, princess!" He unbuckled her and pulled her out of the car.

"Stay here for a second," I whispered and got out myself. Pres smiled and came forward to pat me on the back.

"How'd it go?" He glanced back at Jasmine sitting in the passenger seat of the car. She stepped out and Pres' face dropped.

"She said no," I struggled to keep a straight face as Jasmine came to stand next to me.

"Maybe another time," Pres muttered with a sympathetic smile. Jasmine glanced at me. I nodded and she began to unzip her sweatshirt.

"Just kidding!" She squealed and ripped off the hoodie. Both Pres and Maya rushed over to hug and congratulate us, soon followed by Blade. Tori pouted because she wasn't the center of attention and reached for Jasmine.

"You fucker," Pres grabbed my neck with his arm and rubbed the top of my head roughly.

"I had to," I smirked once he'd release me. "Let us unpack, come back for dinner." I pulled Jasmine, holding Tori, inside and to our room. I unpacked her clothes into my drawers and kissed her as much as I could.

"I love you," I breathed in her ear.

"I love you too."


Thanks for reading :)

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