Chapter 9

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Please let me know what you guys are thinking! I would love to hear what you've thought of Torch, Tori, and Jasmine so far.


"Are you busy tomorrow?"

It was Tuesday and I still hadn't found someone to watch Tori. I only trusted a few people with her and if none of them were available, I would have to reconsider going.

"I'm sorry, sweetie. I'm going on a date," my mom answered. I almost dropped my phone.

"A date?"

"Well don't sound so surprised," my mom was offended.

"No, it's not that—it just surprised me, that's all. Have fun," I smiled to reassure even though she couldn't see me.

"Thank you! Good luck finding someone to watch her," my mom said. I hung up and hung my head, too.

Maya and Pres were going to be out of town visiting some of her old friends from Dallas. This was impossible.

I decided to call Jasmine and paced nervously while waiting for her to answer.

"Hey, Owen," she answered. "How are you?"

"Good," I thought for a second before saying more, "So I can't find a sitter for Tori..."

"I'm sorry," Jasmine sounded disappointed.

"I'm the one that's sorry," I said softly.

"I don't want to push you at all, I would completely understand if you don't want to, but you could bring her if you want," Jasmine was really hesitant to say.

"Can I think about it?" I didn't know if I was ready to bring Tori around her because we were dating now. Things were different.

I had never dated around Tori before.

"Absolutely," she muttered. "I'll maybe see you tomorrow?"

"Thank you...for understanding," I murmured.

"It's absolutely no problem. Don't worry about it at all," she assured me. We said our goodbyes and hung up.

"Daddy! I want to play outside!" Tori shouted from upstairs. She came barreling into the kitchen a few seconds later and slammed into my legs.

"Let's go," I told her and opened the front door. There wasn't a playground or anything installed but she loved to kick around a ball or play tag.

She could run a lot faster than I could, and I ran out of energy a lot sooner than she did.

I chased her around for a bit, then kicked a soccer ball back and forth with her before noticing the clouds above us.

"It's going to rain soon. Let's go inside, we can play a board game."

"Yes!" Tori cheered and ran inside. While running through the board game I let my thoughts drift to Jasmine.

Tori liked her, but I didn't want to get her hopes up in case Jasmine and I didn't work out. I wanted us to work, and I thought we were good for each other, but things could spiral.

Jasmine isn't Martha, I scolded myself.

I'd made my decision. I hoped she had a seat for Tori because I was going to be bringing her. Tori moved her checker to jump over one of mine.

"Tori," I started, "do you want to see Jasmine tomorrow?"

"Her name is Minnie, dad," Tori glared at me.

Torch | Fallen Angels MC #2Where stories live. Discover now