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Please read the little note at the end for the NEXT installment of the Fallen Angels MC!


Jasmine and I sat in the doctor's office with frowns on both of our faces.

Her worried, shaking hand squeezed mine tight as she clenched her stomach with a weary smile. On our honeymoon, we had both agreed that we wanted more children pretty quickly, so she stopped taking her birth control and decided that it would happen when it happened.

She took a test three weeks later, and it came out positive.

Now almost eight months pregnant, we were about to hear the results from a test the doctor had insisted on giving us. There was something wrong with the baby.

Tori was more than ecstatic to learn Jasmine was pregnant. She'd said it was the "best Christmas present ever," when we broke the news to everyone on Christmas day.

Jasmine felt guilty at first; Maya was still mourning the loss of her child, and Jasmine felt like she was bragging. It took a lot of assuring from Maya to assure Jasmine that everything was alright.

Funny enough, Maya fell pregnant when Jasmine hit the seventh month of her pregnancy.

"Mr. and Mrs. Larson," the receptionist called out. I helped Jasmine stand and walked with her back to the room and onto the small bed. She winced when she sat down and cradled the bottom of her back. I pressed my hand into the dimples on her back and rubbed softly.

"Hello," the doctor greeted when he entered the room. He shook hands with both of us and sat on his little black stool, which he scooted close to us.

"We called some experts and had them take a glance at the ultrasounds," the doctor murmured and shuffled through his paperwork, "and it seems the occipital lobe has not developed completely."

"The what?" I asked.

"It's the part of the brain that includes eye function. It is most likely the fetus will be born with little to no eyesight," the doctor said with a sympathetic smile. Jasmine squeezed my hand tight.

"Is there any way to help it? Maybe surgery when he or she gets older?" Jasmine asked in the smallest voice I had ever heard from her.

"It's irreversible," the doctor murmured. "But I have pamphlets here on help groups and resources for your child." He handed me about six brightly colored pamphlets, thanked us for coming in, then escorted back to our car.

"It's all going to be okay," I assured Jasmine and held her hand the entire ride home.

"I know, I just—it's a lot to think about," she murmured and pulled her lip between her teeth.

"We've got time to prepare. Even after she's born, we still have a while before she starts walking. We have plenty of time to read up on ways to help her, right?" I murmured and pulled onto the highway.

"You still think it's going to be a girl? I can feel that it's going to be a boy," she grinned. I smiled too, grateful that she was feeling better.

"We'll see who's right," I grinned as the gates of the clubhouse opened. I pulled through to our house but pulled Jasmine to the clubhouse where everyone was waiting. Maya approached us first.

"Everything alright?" She bit her lip nervously and grabbed both of Jasmine's hands.

"Let's talk privately," Jasmine murmured and pulled her away from all of the chaos. Almost all the members at the clubhouse approached me with concern on their faces.

"What happened?" Blade asked first.

"She's gonna be born with little to no eyesight. Something didn't develop correctly," I sighed and sat at the dining table. Members sat all around me and assured me that everything was going to be fine, but I just shook my head.

"I'm not upset, it's just going to take some getting used to," I assured.

"I'll do some research," Comp said from the other end of the table.

"I can make changes to your house and the clubhouse so it's safe for him," Rampage muttered from his seat. He lit a cigarette and blew the smoke out of his mouth.

"It's gonna be a girl," I insisted but the entire table shook their heads.

"Nope. It's going to be a boy," Pres countered while raising his eyebrows.

"You guys don't know what you're talking about," I muttered. The only person that agreed about the kid being a girl was Jessica. How was the rest of the world against me?

Jasmine and Maya came down the stairs a few minutes later and I took Jasmine home to where Tori and Blade were waiting.

"Mommy! How's the baby," Tori rushed up to cradle Jasmine's stomach as soon as we opened the door. Her eyes looked worried. She was very concerned for the baby.

"Fine," Jasmine answered with a small smile. Blade caught onto her mood and glanced at me.

"Later," I mouthed at him. He nodded and dropped the subject. We ate together before kicking Blade out and having a movie night. Mulan was still Tori's favorite movie, and I had a feeling it always would be, it even might be the new baby's favorite movie.

"Honey, we want to talk to you," I murmured quietly on the couch. Tori turned to me in confusion.

"When the baby is born, they—they most likely won't be able to see," I said softly. Tori's eyes widened and she looked to Jasmine for confirmation.

"That's okay. I'll just read the baby everything. You know how good I am at ready now, right?" Tori gave me a pointed look. "And I can describe every movie to the baby, and I can describe colors to the baby—"

"We get it," Jasmine chuckle and untangled a small knot from the back of Tori's head.

Three weeks later, in the middle of a shift with Doc—she had decided to work with him instead of getting a job at the hospital—Jasmine's water broke while helping stitch a patient's wound.

"Fuck!" She'd cursed. I scrambled up from where I was sitting (after insisting I should be with her wherever she goes in case this exact thing happened) and rushed her to the actual hospital where our OBGYN was on shift.

First pregnancies usually take a long time, but four hours later Titan Carter Larson was born with no complications but it was confirmed seconds after he was born that he was totally and completely blind.

I had been wrong about it being a girl, but Jasmine just smiled, our son in her arms, and said, "Next time."

Tori had a heart-stopping grin on her face when she met her baby brother. She was so excited to hold him and talked to him so gently as she held him.

The four of us had a long road ahead of us, but we would get through it together.

This was how it was meant to be.


The next book will be...Sniper's book! So excited for you guys to get to know him better.

Torch | Fallen Angels MC #2Where stories live. Discover now