Chapter 8

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Hope you all are enjoying! I'm trying to add more description but it's not exactly working...let me know what you think!



Tori came sprinting out of the house with her backpack on her shoulders. I was out of the car and crouched down on my knees to hug her as she jumped into my arms.

"I missed you, baby," I whispered in her ear. I didn't look up at Martha as she shut the door of her house.

I picked Tori up and listened to her animated stories of the week the entire ride home. Tales of stuffed animals and board games had me chuckling until I pull into our driveway.

"Can we have people over for dinner?" Tori asked innocently. I got out of the car and opened her door.

"I just got you back and you already want to see other people?" I joked and unbuckled her from her car seat.

"I want to see Pres and Maya and Blade and—"

"I'm cutting you off there," I grunted and set her on the ground. I handed her the overnight backpack and nudged her towards the front door. "I'll call everyone and ask them, okay?"

"Thanks daddy!" She shouted and ran up to her room.

"Do you want to watch a movie after lunch?" I yelled upstairs.

"Yes! Can we watch Mulan?" Tori gasped excitedly upstairs.

"Yeah," I shouted back. I heard her messing around in her room upstairs before I called lunch. Grilled cheese, tomato soup, and asparagus filled big plates and bowls across the table.

Tori rushed to put two grilled cheese sandwiches (that I knew she wouldn't finish) on her plate along with a big bowl of tomato soup. She took a large bite and grinned at me, clearly happy with the meal.

"You have to eat at least four pieces of asparagus before the end of lunch," I told her. She frowned at me and put her grilled cheese down.

"No! Why can't it—"

"Nope," I said. "Four pieces or I'm not inviting everyone over for dinner."

"Ugh," she shoved a piece in her mouth and chewed. I knew she didn't mind asparagus, but when it was put against something like grilled cheese it wasn't even competition.

We watched Mulan yet again and Tori kept herself busy in her room until dinner. Blade arrived first, tickling and playing with Tori, and Pres and Maya came in about ten minutes later.

"How was your date with Jasmine?" Maya pulled herself up onto the kitchen counter next to a standing Pres. He popped a few grapes in his mouth.

Maya's obsession was really rubbing off on him.

"It went good. She liked my bike," I smirked. Maya stole a grape out of Pres' hand and tossed it in her mouth with a smile.

"Ladies tend to like motorcycles...I can speak from experience," Maya winked at Pres. I turned back to the food with an exaggerated gag, earning me a smack on the back of the head.

"Jasmine seems good for you, even though we've only met her once," Pres commented quietly.

"You saw Minnie?" came a gasp from across the room. I snapped my head to see Tori standing in the kitchen with her mouth wide open.

"Hey Tori!" Maya slipped off the counter.

"Is Minnie here?" Tori asked the room. Blade appeared behind her.

Torch | Fallen Angels MC #2Where stories live. Discover now