Chapter 12

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Oh my gosh! So excited to update all the chapters when I get finished writing. I'm almost there!


My house was extremely full of club members for Tori's party.

She was having an amazing time giggling and running through groups of tough bikers at a now-eight-year-old's birthday party.

Jasmine was set to arrive in a few minutes, and I couldn't wait to see the look on Tori's face. This was probably the best present I could give her.

"I'm going to head outside to get her last present," I told Pres after grabbing his shoulder. "Keep an eye on her, will you?"

"Of course," he smirked. I didn't tell him but he had guessed it first thing after I had gotten back from my date with Jasmine.

About five minutes later Jasmine pulled into my driveway with a smile and greeted me with a hug and a kiss.

"Just walking into a house full of bikers," she rolled her shoulders. "No big deal." I laughed loudly and she smacked my arm to keep me quiet as we walked into the house.

I hid her in the kitchen and pulled Tori to the middle of the room.

We sang happy birthday, had her blow out a few candles, and let her open a present or two before quieting the room again.

"Tori, I have one more present for you, okay? Do you remember if you wished for anything else?" I asked. She looked deep in thought before shaking her head.

I knocked three times on the counter and watched Tori's face change into the most surprise I had ever seen. She rushed towards Jasmine and crashed into her legs so hard they both went tumbling to the ground.

Everyone rushed over and crowded around them to make sure they were okay, and I had to push through to get to the front.

Tori was crying and Jasmine was trying to get rid of her tears frantically. She looked at me with a panicked look on her face.

"Tori, are you hurt?" I placed my hand on her head and checked for any bumps.

"I missed you, Minnie," Tori wailed. Everyone in the room sighed a breath of relief. The party continued as some of us helped them up and Tori told Jasmine all about her birthday.

I introduced Jasmine to everyone I could before kicking them out so I could spend Tori's birthday with her.

"I should go," she whispered to me as Tori stared sleepily at the TV.

"No! No," Tori whined and jumped up. I sighed and stood, ready to argue with her until Jasmine held her hand up at me.

"What do you want, birthday girl?" Jasmine crouched down in front of Tori with a smile. Tori wiped her eyes sleepily.

"I want you to stay the night," she whispered. Jasmine stood and leaned closer to me.

"As long as it's okay with you. I really don't want to overstep," Jasmine whispered. I thought for a second, glanced at my daughter, and nodded

I needed to let someone into our lives.

"I'll stay," Jasmine told Tori who squealed in excitement, "as long as you go to bed on time tonight."

"Okay!" Tori rushed upstairs. I smiled at Jasmine.

"You don't have any extra clothes," I muttered to her. She pulled her keys out of her purse and opened the front door.

"I've got a hoodie in my car," she smiled. After she left, I went upstairs to make sure Tori brushed her teeth and helped her put pajamas on, too.

"I want a bedtime story," Tori complained. "Where's Minnie?"

"I'm here!" Jasmine smiled and came into the room with her hoodie in her hands. Tori sat up and reached out for a hug.

"What do we tell Jasmine?" I asked Tori softly.

"Thank you!" Tori snuggled in with her and told me what book to pick out. Two short stories later and she was asleep, completely exhausted from the amount of people she had interacted with.

"Was this a good birthday?" I whispered before she fell asleep. Jasmine exited quietly.

"The best birthday!" Tori whispered back. She wiggled around to get more comfortable, so I kissed her on the forehead and joined Jasmine in the hallway.

"I can take the couch," Jasmine offered after I'd shut Tori's bedroom door. I looked at her confused.

"Let's just sleep in my room. Will that make you uncomfortable?" I asked gently. I didn't want to push her at all.

"No, I just don't want to give Tori the wrong idea," she murmured. I pulled her into a hug.

"She knows we're dating. I have no problem with you sleeping with me as long as you are okay with it." I responded. It was true. I was putting my trust and my life in her hands.

I was falling in love with her.

"Let's go!" She smiled and squeezed me tight. I led her to my bedroom and handed her a spare toothbrush. We stood side by side and brushed our teeth with silly grins on our faces.

She took off her pants, leaving her in her large hoodie and undergarments, and slipped into bed with me. I took my usual left side of the bed and left my lamp on for a while so I could see her.

She pulled the covers over her thick, pale legs and scooted closer to me. Her dark hair was bunched around the hood near her neck. She smiled and blushed towards me before glancing away.

"You're gorgeous," I whispered to her. She blushed more and shoved her face under the covers, too.

"No," I yanked the covers off of her, past her legs, and climbed on top of her. "You're cute when you blush, too."

"Stop," she whined. Jasmine looked legitimately embarrassed.

"I really appreciate you coming today," I murmured with a happy smirk. I was happy. This gorgeous, smart, hard-working woman was with me, and treated Tori with respect.

"I'm glad I decided to come," Jasmine whispered.

"Thank you for just being here, and respecting Tori and I," I whispered. I didn't want to get all shy but I wanted her to know that I appreciated her in every way.

"I'm falling in love with you," Jasmine whispered. "It might be too soon, but I—"

"I feel the same way," I responded. She pulled me into a kiss and we fell asleep holding each other tightly in our arms.

I could get used to a life like this.


I could get used to writing about that ;).

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