Chapter 2

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"Dad? Daddy, It's Christmas! Wake up!"

I pretended to not feel the tiny finger poking my cheek over and over. She pushed my shoulder a few times before groaning.

"Boo!" I jumped up. Tori's eyes filled with tears and she made grabby hands at me.

"It's not Halloween, daddy, it's Christmas! Don't scare me," she whined. I rushed to pull her into a hug and relax her before she could become too upset.

"I know it's Christmas, sweetheart. Do you want to open presents?" I asked quietly. Tori rushed out of the room giggling excitedly.

I spent a minute trying to wipe the sleep out of my eyes before pulling on a pajama shirt and joining Tori downstairs.

She jutted her bottom lip out in a pout when I told her to wait patiently while I made a cup of coffee.

I flopped down onto the couch and watched with a proud smile as Tori dug through the presents. She unwrapped a couple of toys—well, a lot of toys—and got some cute decorations for her room, too.

I had bought her a couple of crafts to do because it was all she talked about doing at school and I figured we could do some of them together.

The other guys would probably laugh at the sight of me doing crafts, but I would do anything to put that smile on her face.

"Daddy?" Tori pulled my attention back to her. She held a small black box open and looked confused. I reached for it and took it from her, looking at it suspiciously.

I didn't wrap this present.

A few pieces of paper rested in the box. I opened them, read a few lines in, and scrunched my eyebrows in confusion.

Disney World? Who the hell bought her this?

Underneath the title was the amount of tickets. Four? Why the hell were their four tickets? Damnit.

Pres did this for sure.

"It was something for me, sweetie. Santa left it for me," I muttered. Tori shrugged and went back to playing with her presents.

"Thank you daddy!" She hugged me a minute later. I poured her a bowl of cereal and left to get my phone from my room. I called Pres, pinching my nose with my fingers.

"You got my present?" He teased over the phone. I could hear Maya laughing at the background.

"What the hell is this, Pres? I don't—"

"Want any handouts, I know, Torch. Take it. Maya and I are coming with you and we're going to have a good, relaxing five days," Press assured.

"Five days? Pres, seriously?"

"We're going to have a good time. Take a video of Tori reacting, we want to see it."

"I think—" were the only words I was able to say before he hung up on me.

Tori was seated in her Christmas pajamas playing with some cars she had just opened. I opened the camera app on my phone and turned it towards her.

"Tori," I started the video, "I want to take a picture of you with your new toys."

"Okay!" She rearranged them for a moment and crossed her legs before smiling at the camera.

"Say, "We're going to Disney World!" on three, okay? One, two—"

"What?" Tori exclaimed. Her jaw dropped and she tried to scramble up from the floor as fast as she could. I smiled behind the camera.

"Say it!" I pushed the camera closer to her.

"We're going to Disney World?" She asked. I nodded and pushed my ear towards my shoulder when she let out an ear-piercing scream.

"Pres and Maya got it for you," I muttered. She rushed at me for a hug, tucking her small head into my chest.

"Say thank you," I pulled the camera away and above her so they could still see her.

"Thank you Maya! And Pres!" She giggled. I turned off my phone and tossed it next to me on the couch.

"Are you excited?" I already knew the answer.

"Yes! I'm so excited, Daddy. Oh no! What toys am I going to bring? I want them all to meet Mickey and Minnie and—"

"You can only bring five toys," I warned her. She began to pout. "We're going to be there for five days, so you can bring one for each day."

"We're going to be there for five days?" Tori gasped. She grabbed her toys from the floor and rushed upstairs. "I have to decide what toys to take!"

I picked up the tickets again to glance at the rest of the information. My eyes practically bugged out of my head when I realized Pres had us leaving two days from now.


"Damn it," I groaned and rubbed at my face. So that was the "run" he needed me on. Son of a bitch was smooth, he can have that.

Tori spent the majority of her Christmas day playing with her toys and napping because of her previous excitement.

The next day passed two quickly. I was packing for two, including a small child, who needed about double the amount of clothes in case they got dirty or she messed them up at all.

Tori managed to stuff four stuffed animals into her suitcase and said she was carrying one with her on the plane.

Waking a child up before six o'clock in the morning was probably the worst idea ever, but maybe where we were going would help.

I set my alarm for four and pulled some jeans, a t-shirt, and my cut before waking Tori up. I crouched next to her bed and watched her sleep for a moment before rubbing my hand up and down her arm gently.

"Tori. Tori, wake up," I whispered. She slowly woke up and whined when she realized how early it was. Tears filled her eyes and she flipped away from me.

Now was not the time for a tantrum.

"Hey," I breathed quickly. "We're going to Disney, remember?"

"I'm ready," Tori scrambled out of bed, almost tripping on her blankets. I helped her change into some normal clothes and reminded her to grab the stuffed animal she was bringing on the plane.

I buckled her into her car seat and made sure our bags were in the trunk before pulling away from the house.

"We'll stop for breakfast on the way, okay?" I whispered to her. Tori nodded, clearly trying to keep her eyes open.

I pulled up at the clubhouse not even a minute later and opened the automatic trunk for Pres and Queenie to put their bags in. Tori was nodding off in the backseat.

Pres opened the passenger door and Maya sat next to a suddenly excited Tori in the back.

"You ready?" Pres asked as I pulled out of the driveway.

"As I'll ever be," I sighed.

This would be an interesting trip. 


Hope you enjoyed!

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