Chapter 28

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The last have we come to this?


"Wanna go surprise Grandma?" I asked and Tori giggled excitedly in the back seat.

We had gone to eat back at the house, which included celebratory milkshakes from Pres and Maya, before getting back in the car. Jasmine was almost as excited as Tori was to surprise our families with the news.

"Let's do Blade first," Jasmine murmured. I stopped just before the gate and asked Rooster to call Blade out. We waited only a minute before boots crunched across gravel and skidded to a stop next to the car.

"What's up," Blade breathed as his chest heaved in and out. I stepped out of the car and shut my door behind me before he could hear Tori's giggle.

"We got something for you," I trailed off and opened the door to the back seat. Blade's eyes narrowed until he saw what was in the backseat.

"Tori!" The car bounced roughly as he jumped inside and hugged her with a smile. "Did you kidnap her or something?"

"No," I scowled and held myself back from smacking him on the back of the head. He said a few words to Tori and slid back out of the car. I explained what had happened that morning and he smiled and hugged me tightly.

"See? Told you she belonged here."

We went to my mom's house next, and she was relaxing on her couch with her lunch when I turned the key into the door.

"Hey," she smiled. When Tori appeared from behind me she shrieked and rushed forward to pull her into a hug.

"Thank God," she murmured and rocked Tori in her arms. By the time we arrived at Jasmine's parents place, Tori was almost asleep.

"Where are we?" Tori murmured sleepily. Jasmine unbuckled her seatbelt before helping Tori out of the car.

"We're at Gigi and grandpa's house," Jasmine answered, and it was like her energy meter flew right back up to the top again. Anita was happy to see us and even got a little teary when she saw Tori, but George just picked her up and ran into the house with her.

We ended up spending over an hour there, and Jessica and Tristan were called to come say hi too. Putting Tori to bed that night felt like a dream.

I read her a story with Jasmine sitting beside me, holding my hand as we watched our daughter fall asleep. Our daughter...

"Let's get married," I whispered and kissed her lightly. "Christmas is coming up. Let's get married before then."

"Yes. Yes, yes, yes," Jasmine whispered and leaned into me to connect her lips with mine again. I ushered her out of Tori's room and into our own where we fell into bed and didn't leave until Tori jumped into our bed the following morning.

I called Pres after breakfast.

"Is there anything urgent coming up the next few days?" I asked quietly. He hummed for a while and flipped through some papers on the other end of the call.

"No, not for over a week. Why?" He asked.

"Jasmine and I want to fly to Vegas and get married. We want you guys to come," I told him with a smirk. He chuckled.

"You even got her a ring yet?"

"I'll get her one, but we want to leave tomorrow. You, Maya, Blade, and us three. What do you say?" I asked.

"Of course we'll come...wouldn't want it any other way," he answered. Blade had the same answer when I called, and Tori was much more excited to fly this time than she had been for Disney.

Disney. Crap!

"I have an idea," I murmured to Pres after Jasmine had fallen asleep on the plane. He smirked and nodded at my idea, passing it on to Blade and Maya. They would take care of it.

We settled into a hotel before Blade, Pres, and I went to a tux shop and the girls went to a dress boutique. Pres couldn't stop laughing when he realized that they had gone to Claire's Boutique, the same one I'd robbed on a dare years ago, and wouldn't shut up about it until we arrived at the venue.

I smirked at the decorations and pictured Maya's face when she'd seen it. I knew there had to be some sort of Disney wedding chapel in Vegas—there had to be hudnreds to begin with—and Pres had found the perfect one.

It was a short ceremony.

We were saying "I do," before we even knew it was happening and I pulled my wife, white dress and all, into my arms to give her a long, soft kiss.

"I love you," Jasmine murmured in my ear.

"I love you too," I watched everyone else leave the chapel before turning to her. "And I have a surprise."

"What surprise?" Jasmine asked.


"Are we going gambling tonight? Yes!" Jasmine pumped her arms. I rolled my eyes and let her go to hold her hand.

"We're not going gambling, Jasmine," I chuckled.

"Oh...then what?" She asked with a frown.

"While you were asleep on the plane, Pres and I planned our honeymoon," I answered. A huge grin stretched across her face, but there was still some confusion in her eyes.

"Honeymoon? Where are we going?" she bounced on the balls of her feet. I picked her up bridal style and began our walk back to the hotel, where our packed bags were already waiting for us. Pres, Tori, Maya, and Blade would be long gone.

"We're going to Disney World."


I can't believe this is it! Don't worry; there's an epilogue.

Torch | Fallen Angels MC #2Where stories live. Discover now