Chapter 23

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So much happens between now and the end! So excited!


Today was a huge day.

Jasmine was moving into my house on club property and Tori had an appointment with a psychologist the court had chosen for us.

She had to go in alone, answer some questions, then come back out. It wasn't that big of a deal.

The appointment was first.

"It'll be okay," Jasmine held my hand the entire ride there. It wasn't too long of a drive, but I was purposefully driving slowly. Why was I so nervous?

"Hi, I'm Dr. Ribben, it's nice to meet you," the male psychologist shook my hand. I squeezed his a little harder than I had to.

"This is Tori," I put both my hands on her shoulders as she tucked her face into my stomach. I tried to pull her back a little bit, but she didn't want to.

"Tori, go with him for just a few minutes and we'll go out to eat tonight, okay?" I asked. She didn't move.

"Tori," Jasmine crouched down. "Please go with him. We'll be right here when you get out." Tori turned her head slightly to glance at her.

"I have suckers in my office," the doctor added. Tori nodded and Jasmine patted her back as she followed the doctor into his office.

Jasmine and I sat in the stiff chairs in the waiting room for almost an hour. What the hell was taking so long?

"Ooh la la," Jasmine wiggled her eyebrows at me and picked up a Southern' Livin magazine. There was a shirtless guy on the front holding his cowboy hat and winking at the camera.

"Look at this one," she nudged me a second later. This cowboy was darker-skinned and had his cowboy hat over his naked package.

"Seriously?" I glanced at her. She was biting her lip and staring at the pages as she flipped through them.

"What?" Jasmine didn't even look at me.

"You like that stuff when you have this sitting right here?" I motioned to my dark black pants and black t-shirt with my cut over it. Jasmine, in her own cut, looked me up and down.


"You are so lucky we're in public right now," I pouted and removed my arm from around her shoulders.

"Mr. Larson?" The doctor came out with Tori in front of him sucking on a red sucker. I stood to my feet and got to Tori as fast as I could.

"Everything okay?" I asked both of them. Tori walked in front of Jasmine and cuddled into her legs.

"I have all the information I need. I'll submit the information to the court and I'll also be at the hearing. Everything is fine," the doctor assured. I swallowed the lump in my throat at the mention of the court date next week.

"Thank you," I murmured and ushered Tori and Jasmine back to the car. "How did it go?"

"Good! I got a cherry sucker," she bragged. Jasmine complimented it and held my hand tightly.

"See? Everything is fine," Jasmine repeated to me.

Tori insisted on helping Jasmine move, so we handed her all the light stuff and let her help carry things to the "give away" truck. All of the stuff Jasmine didn't want would be donated to a local shelter.

She still had a lot of stuff so it took us past dinner time to get everything boxed and loaded onto three trucks; two going to my house, one going to the shelter.

The truck I had brought, an old one I borrowed from the club, just had three front seats in the front and Tori was more than happy to sit between us. I don't know how that car seat squished between us, but Tori's happiness was worth it.

"I can't wait for grandparents' day next week!" Tori squealed out of nowhere. My eyes widened. Shit!

"We, uh," I stuttered, "never told your parents. I haven't even met your parents."

"Shit," Jasmine voiced my thoughts exactly.


"Let's worry about it next week, okay? We'll figure it out before the trial," she assured. My head was starting to hurt.

Tori was put to bed in the midst of us unpacking because the unloading lasted until well after ten o'clock.

"Thank you," she yelled to everyone had come to help. We walked inside, my hand around her shoulder rubbing the leather of her cut as we made it to our bedroom.

Our bedroom.

"Tori's asleep," I breathed in her ear. My hands lifted to slowly remove her cut as her breathing deepened. I unbuttoned her jeans before pulling her shirt over her head and rushing to unbutton her bra. Jasmine pushed her jeans down herself.

She turned around quickly and rushed to yank me closer so she could kiss me.

Damnit I would never get sick of this woman. She pushed me down onto the bed and crawled on top of me, her breasts swinging in my face.

"Fuck," I gripped at them and covered her mouth when she moaned loudly. "You have to be quiet."

"Then stop doing shit like that!" She whispered vehemently. Her hands gripped my crotch tightly and my mouth opened in a silent scream.

"You try to be quiet," she whispered and pushed me back down onto the bed.

"Shit," I whispered into her mouth as she shifted her hips down on mine. We tangled together as I tried to pull my shirt over my head and we collapsed together in a heap of giggles.

"Sh," I reminded her with a smirk. Jasmine stood in a huff of mock anger and slipped her underwear down her legs above me.

"This will shut you up," she whispered and crawled over my head. Christ, I swear a little bit of drool just trailed out of the corner of my mouth.

Her thick thighs tightened around my head and encased my eyes in darkness, but I could still see my target. That night was finally uninterrupted.

The next morning, I was up earlier than the two women in my house and sat on the stairs of the front porch with a cup of coffee to watch the sunset through the trees.

"Hey you," Jasmine murmured from behind me. I turned to see her in her favorite thick, light blue robe decorated with large white clouds. She curled up next to me on the stairs with her own cup of coffee. "You're up early."

"Couldn't go back to sleep," I murmured and kissed her lightly. Jasmine smiled and hummed while resting her head on my shoulder.

"I'm surprised Tori isn't up yet," she chuckled. A shout echoed in the house behind us.

"Mom?" Tori yelled. I grinned to myself and drank my coffee. "Dad? Did mom leave?" Tori jogged out to see us and rushed into Jasmine's arms with a gasp of relief.

"She moved in yesterday, Tori. She's not leaving."


So cute!

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