Chapter 3

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Hope you're enjoying! You finally meet the female main character in this chapter! You're going to love her.

I love writing strong, independent women.



As soon as the seatbelt light turned off, I pulled a teary Tori onto my lap.

I sent an apologetic look to the other people on the seven o'clock flight and shushed her the best that I could.

"I'm sorry. We should have gotten a later flight," Pres looked at me sympathetically.

"It's fine, she'll fall asleep in a minute," I assured.

"If you need Maya or I to hold her, just let us know."

"I will," I answered before shushing Tori again. She soon quieted to quiet sniffles and fell asleep holding her stuffed whale a few moments later.

Tori slept for two more hours of the five-and-a-half-hour flight and woke up starving. I handed her a bag of pretzels that I had brought, and she moved to Maya's lap.

She was able to entertain her for another hour. Tori crawled back to my lap, asking to go to the bathroom, and slept again for the rest of the flight.

"We're landing!" I muttered to Tori excitedly. She popped off of my lap and allowed me to buckle her back in her seat. She was bouncing off the walls until we got off the plane and into the rental car.

"Are we going to Disney now?" She asked loudly.

"We have to go to the hotel to drop off our bags first, then we'll go, alright?" I murmured. That seemed to calm her down until we were on our way to the park.

Pres had two rooms reserved; a single bed room for him and a double queen bed room for us; the rooms were adjoining as well.

"You get that big bed to yourself," I let go of Tori's hand to shut the door behind us. She ran and jumped on the bed as I put the suitcases to the side.

"I'm going to change. Do you want to change clothes?" I asked.

"No, Daddy. Let's go now!" Tori flopped onto her bottom on the bed. I grabbed some warmer clothes and changed in the bathroom.

I smiled to myself, listening to Tori laugh in the other room. This trip was going to be stressful but I was glad Tori was already enjoying herself.

I made sure the black backpack was packed with snacks, some waters, and a change of clothes for her before reminding her to grab her stuffed animal and knocking on Pres' door.

"Hey," Maya opened the door in a change of clothes, too. "He's still getting ready."

"Diva! Let's go," I shouted into their room. Maya laughed loudly and Pres came out of the bathroom looking grumpy. We ate lunch at a restaurant while Tori pouted, upset that I had lied to her about going to Disney.

"We need to fill up our stomachs first, okay? Are you excited to meet Mickey and Minnie?"

"Duh!" Tori looked at me like I was insane. Maya and Pres giggled from across the table.

They finished eating rather quickly and Tori practically hung out the window when they pulled into the parking lot. Pres paid for the parking pass for the day and they pulled into a parking lot extremely far from the actual park.

I sighed when I realized that I would be carrying Tori for most of the day. I held her hand and pretended to let her pull me fast through the parking lot.

I turned around to check if Pres and Maya were still behind us and smirked when I saw Maya on a grumpy Pres' back. Someone scanned our tickets and we were in.

Tori's eyes were moving a thousand miles a minute as she tried to take everything in. I kept the backpack with me instead of paying to put it in a locker and told Tori to pick her first ride.

Tori and Maya rode a few quiet rides before begging for a drink. I opened the first water bottle of the day and watched Tori drink half of it.

It was a hot day, so I would probably end up buying plenty more water before the day was over.

"Daddy! Let's ride this one together!" Tori yanked me to the line for the teacup ride. Pres and Maya were in line behind us and ended up in a pink and purple teacup next to our blue and green one.

I set my backpack between Tori and I and gripped the small circle in the middle tightly.

"You ready?" I asked. Tori giggled once the ride started moving and I spun us gently.

"Faster!" Tori begged. I moved a little faster but refused to go any further. I didn't want to deal with a sick Tori this weekend.

"Tori, look," I pointed towards Pres and Maya's teacup. Maya was laughing hysterically as Pres spun the teacup as fast as he could.

Tori laughed, pointed, and waved at them until the ride was over.

"Did you have fun?" I asked.

"Yeah!" Tori laughed. Maya and Pres joined us a few seconds later, Maya smacking Pres' arm and calling him an ass.

We ate a late dinner, after I had forced a sweater on Tori, and went on a few more rides before getting ready to watch the fireworks.

"Please, Daddy," Tori begged. "One more ride!"

"It's too late, Tori," I sighed.

"Please!" Tori shouted. "And I don't wanna wear this anymore." She pulled off her sweater and tossed it to me.

"If it's okay with you, Maya and I will take her back on the teacups," Pres muttered. I nodded and relished in a moment of silence once they were gone.

"That's a nice pink sweater you've got there. Did you get it at Biker's 'R Us?" A woman laughed as she approached me.

I was sitting on the ground so I saw her legs first, trailing up to a yellow sundress and some Mickey ears on top of gorgeous long brown hair. I scrambled to my feet, still holding Tori's sweater in my hands.

I stared at her for a moment too long. She raised her eyebrows, waiting for a response.

"Oh—um, what was the question?" I muttered. She smiled gently.

"Nice sweater," she pointed towards my hands.

"Thanks—got it at Target. You think it'll fit me?" I smiled at her. She laughed quietly.

"I'm Jasmine," she reached her hand out.

"Owen," I smiled. We shook hands and stood in a moment of silence.

"So, a biker, huh?" she pointed to my back.

"Yeah," I turned to show her the back of my cut, "out in Oregon."

"I'm from Salem," Jasmine said with wide eyes.

"Portland," I responded.

"Small world," Jasmine smiled, and for a second, I could see a future in that smile.

A long future.


Hope you enjoyed!

Torch | Fallen Angels MC #2Where stories live. Discover now