Chapter 13

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I love Torch!!


"I want you on a run in three days."

Pres had called me to his office the day after I dropped Tori back at Martha's house. Tori was not happy that Jasmine had left early the morning after her birthday, but she had to work in the ER.

"What is it?"

"We need to keep this quiet," Pres muttered in a low voice.

"What's going on?" My eyebrows raised. I leaned forward in my chair.

"Only you and Sniper know, but you'll both be going on a run to Lassen, California to talk with someone who says they have information on the club. Even Comp can't get in," he said.

"Shit!" I cursed. We could all be turned in if anyone had information on us. Comp kept tight secrets in our tech.

"How the hell were they able to get into Comp's servers?" I muttered. "Who are these people?"

"Some new group of ex-MC members from the west coast," Pres sighed.

"They have a name?"

"Nope. They've just decided that they're going to fuck with us. I can't deal with this shit right now," Pres shook his head and rubbed his eyes roughly.

"Everything okay?" I asked. I know he didn't like to be pushed but he looked really stressed—a lot more tired, too.

"Maya's pregnant," Pres muttered. I almost fell out of my chair because I sat up too quickly. Pregnant?

"How are you feeling about that?" He was good with Tori but I feared that he didn't want his own kids from the reaction he was giving me.

"I was excited, but we've gone to see a doctor and it's an extremely high-risk pregnancy. I don't want to lose them," he choked up. I wished I could help him, but there was nothing I could do. I couldn't even imagine what he was going through.

"Maya's a fighter," I assured. "They'll make it through."

"If they don't...I don't think I can lead the club, Torch. I'll need you to step up," he whispered. I opened, then closed, then opened my mouth again. This was a lot of information to handle in a short amount of time.

"You'll be able to lead us, Torch. You wouldn't be President if you couldn't," I said. "Don't say that unless it happens."

"I just want everyone to be prepared. I'll email you more information about the run, and Comp will be deleted from your computer ten minutes after you read it. I'm going to go see Maya," Pres stood.

I shook his hand, then thought better of it and pulled him into a hug. Once I had gotten back to my house, I cursed to myself. I had a date in Jasmine two days after I left.

I called Pres the day before I left to ask if he could watch Tori until I got back. I didn't like doing this, because I didn't have a for sure date of returning and felt a little uncomfortable leaving Tori with someone for an undisclosed amount of time.

Pres couldn't do it. He was taking Maya to stay at her parents' place for a week or two to try and bring her stress level down and a child in the mix probably wouldn't work.

Instead of calling Jasmine to cancel our date, I picked up flowers and got on my bike to visit her at work. I checked my watch before I left to make sure she was still at work and grinned to myself.

I hadn't surprised her at work before.

I walked into the bustling emergency room and felt clueless. Families were crying in the waiting room and a man was coughing his lungs out by the desk.

"Can I help you?" the woman didn't look at me as she continued to type.

"I'm here to see Jasmine," I murmured. She finally glanced up at me and widened her eyes. She glanced at my cut, then my arms, and back up to my face.

"I'm guessing you're Owen," the woman said, "or Torch as your patch says."

"Owen, ma'am. She's spoken about me?" I set the flowers on the counter and the woman gasped.

"Oh my God, yes! She's talked about you every shift I've worked with her since you both met," the woman laughed.

"That's good to hear," I grinned. She reached for her phone to page her.

"Dr. Brewer to the emergency desk, Dr. Brewer to the emergency desk," the woman paged. "I'm Wanda." I shook hands with her and spoke with her until a confused Jasmine came down the hallway a few minutes later.

Her eyes brightened when she saw me, and she jogged over to jump into my arms.

"Hey you," I said with a smile. I grabbed the flowers for her and walked away from the desk for a little privacy.

"Hey! You didn't tell me you were coming to visit," Jasmine slid off of me after a small kiss. "Wait—our date's not tonight, is it?" She looked horrified.

"No, and about that," I scratched the back of my neck, "I'm going to have to cancel."

"That's okay! What's up?" she grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"I have to go on a run for the club. It's pretty serious and I'll be gone for a day or two," I murmured quietly. "I leave tomorrow."

"I'm sorry to see you go," Jasmine frowned.

"I'm sorry I have to cancel," I apologized.

"Don't worry about it at all. Who's watching Tori? Pres and Maya?" She asked and pulled me over to a few chairs in the waiting room.

"Pres and Maya are having...complications, so they're staying at her parents and trying to keep all stress from her. Having an eight-year-old wouldn't really help," I murmured.

"Tell them I'm thinking of them," Jasmine smiled. "I could watch her."

"I don't want to put that on you," I whispered.

"It's totally fine. I don't want to push, but I would love to have the company and Blade can have her while I'm working?" Jasmine rubbed my shoulder.

"You really wouldn't mind?" I asked, unsure. She squeezed my hand and gave me a genuine smile.

"Absolutely. I have a guest room, or she can stay with me if she is more comfortable," she assured.

"I would have to drop her off tonight," I warned. Jasmine didn't stop smiling and leaned forward to kiss me.

"Would early tomorrow morning work better? I wake up around seven anyways. We can call every night you're gone. Any allergies or anything I should be worried about?"

"She loves to watch Mulan, so that's a safe bet to get out of a tantrum. Her bedtime is 8:30. Other than that, there's not much," I answered. "I can drop her off then," I said.

"That sounds great. I'll make some foot to be ready once you guys arrive. We can have breakfast before you leave. Will you have time for that?" Jasmine asked with a smile.

"It will have to be quick but sure! Tori is going to be thrilled. I can't thank you enough for this," I whispered.

"Don't worry about it. I'll see you both tomorrow morning?" She squeezed my name and stood. Her name was paged over the speakers.

"Yes. See you then," I kissed her before she ran off. The flowers were still lying on the seat next to me, where I had put them when we sat down.

"I'll give them to her," Wanda said loudly from the desk. I smiled and gave her the flowers before walking back to my bike.

Everything would be okay.


hope you enjoyed! some shit goes down next chapter...

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