Chapter 19

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The book is officially finished! I'm uploading all of the chapters right now. :)


The police interviewed Jasmine first, because she was the one who found Tori at the hospital.

I was next.

"Sir let's move over here," they motioned to me. We moved to a more private area of the hospital and sat down for questioning.

"Where were you when all this happened?" They both had their notepads out and the taller one was asking the questions.

"I woke up late this morning, around 12:45, and learned that my best friend had just lost his unborn child. I rushed to visit them and got the call from Jasmine while I was in the hospital room," I muttered.

The other officer, a woman, gave me a sympathetic glance. The tall one was scribbling down notes.

"What are those friends' names?" he barely glanced at me. I repeated their names and answered a few more questions before getting cleared to go back to the room.

"I'm scared," Tori whispered when I sat down. I scooted the chair closer to her.

"They're here to help, baby. You're not going back to Martha's house, okay?" I squeezed her hand. "What do you say about buying stickers for your cast?"

"Yes! Can you sign it, too?" Tori squealed. Jasmine came back in and we both signed her cast. Maybe everything would be okay.

She was allowed to go home a few hours later and the officers insisted they would call us that night with an update to the situation. I asked Jasmine to spend the night and she agreed wholeheartedly.

"I'm so sorry all this happened," Jasmine whispered to me after we'd put Tori to bed. Helping her bathe with a cast on made her super upset, but her tantrum and the excitement from the days events put her to sleep quickly.

"I can't believe I dropped her off Sunday," I kicked myself. Jasmine reached up and pecked my lips.

"You had to. I'm so sorry this happened to Tori, but at least she will be able to live a happy life with us, right?" she murmured. I faced her and raised my eyebrows.


"Well," a blush covered her cheeks. She avoided eye contact. "I', I'm in love with you. Both of you, actually."

In love.

"I love you," I whispered and pulled her into a strong kiss. She giggled and gripped me tighter until the kiss slowly became stronger.

"I want you to fuck me," she whispered in between breaths.

"Dirty language, Ms. Brewer?" I raised my eyebrows. She rolled her eyes and pushed me onto my back.

"Shut up," she whispered and climbed on top of me. Jasmine used the collar of my shirt to pull me into a kiss that I never wanted to escape from.

My hands drifted until they rested softly under her shirt. She shifted her hips downward and Christ all I could do was clench her hips tighter.

"You're so fucking sexy," Jasmine whispered and shifted her hips down again. I flipped us back over and sighed into the kiss.

"You think I'm sexy? Have you looked in the mirror?" I asked before moving my mouth to her neck. She shifted below me.

"Okay, we're both sexy. Can you just go?" Jasmine begged. She tried to turn us over again, but I had her caged between my arms.

I shifted above her so I could rest on one arm while the other drifted down, down, down. My hand dipped into her pajama bottoms until she was sighing against my lips.

"Ah," she moaned loudly. I rested my weight on top of her so I could cover her mouth.

"Tori's sleeping across the hall," I whispered into her neck. "Keep your mouth shut." Her body withered against me and she gasped when I'd uncovered her mouth. My hand inside her pants resumed.

"Holy shit!" Jasmine whispered, her eyes rolling back into her head and her hips rolling into my hand. I was quick to remove my hands when little footsteps pattered down the hall.

"Mommy?" Tori knocked on the door. I flew off the bed and ran to the bathroom to take a breath.

"Welcome to life with a kid," I whispered to Jasmine as I passed her. She smiled and moved to open the door. I could hear their quiet murmuring from the bathroom.

When I made it back into the bedroom, only Tori's sleeping head was visible above the covers. Jasmine lied next to her, stroking Tori's hair and softly adjusting her stuffed animal.

"What was wrong?" I furrowed my eyebrows, surprised to see her asleep again so soon. Usually, it took a lot of convincing.

"Nightmare about Martha," Jasmine whispered. I clenched my jaw and climbed into bed on the other side of Tori, trying to push the image of her birth-giver out of my head.

Tori, Jasmine and I met with Maya and Mark Flannigan at the clubhouse. Tori just sat quietly and stroked her stuffed whale.

"It's a clear case, right?" I was practically begging the family lawyer to tell me some good news.

"The police picked Martha up from her home last night," the older man rubbed his eyes tiredly, "but she's spilling everything she knows on you and the club. It seems like if she doesn't get Tori, she's going to work hard to make sure you don't either."

Tori seemed to understand and clenched my hand tightly. Jasmine tried her best to keep her tears at bay, but they didn't listen and drifted over her cheeks fluidly.

Maya was running her eyes over the documents hurriedly, her hand absentmindedly drifting over her stomach.

"There has to be something here," Maya whispered. Her eyes glanced at me, and my stomach clenched at the sight of tears in her eyes.


Please, no. This couldn't be happening.

"You would be lucky to not be arrested, Mr. Larson. I'm sorry," Mr. Flannigan apologized. Maya glared at him.

"Highest-rated lawyer in the state my ass," she whispered. The family lawyer looked at her, aghast at her words. "Get out of here."

The lawyer scurried out, papers flying out of his unlocked briefcase, and Maya scooted closer to me.

"I'm going to read up on everything I can...I am a defense attorney, so I will do my damn best to keep you here, with the club, where you belong," Maya swore.

"What about Tori?" I asked as my gut clenched so hard it hurt. Maya swallowed.

"The court will appoint someone for your case. As long as I can turn this case around, you have an extremely good chance of receiving full custody." Maya began to gather papers and stand.

"Maya, you shouldn't be working a case so soon. Your health—"

"Is fine," Maya interrupted her fiancé. "I'm going to help Torch and Tori if it's the last thing I do."


Hope you guys are enjoying!

Torch | Fallen Angels MC #2Where stories live. Discover now