Chapter 10

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Hello! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter!


At the reception, we were seated at a table with other adults and their children.

Tori seemed to get along with them great. They introduced themselves as cousins of Jasmine and Jessica, I learned.

Jessica, Jasmine's sister, had just gotten married to Tristan. It was odd going to someone's wedding when you didn't even know their names, but I wasn't here to see them.

After ordering our drinks—an orange juice for Tori and a water for me—Jasmine came over to our table. I moved Tori to my lap so she could sit down and we watched the newly-married couple have their first dance.

"Everyone, join in!" Her sister shouted with a big smile on her face.

"Let's go," Jasmine grabbed my hand. My eyes widened and glanced at Tori as Jasmine yanked us to the dance floor. I wasn't expecting to be dancing tonight, but I shouldn't be surprised.

"We're going to dance!" Tori squealed. Jasmine laughed and nodded. Tori escaped from my arms and danced on her own while I pulled Jasmine into my arms.

"What do you think?" Jasmine sounded out of breath.

"You look beautiful," I smirked. She smacked my arm and motioned to the room as we swayed back and forth.

"I meant the wedding, smartass! It took so much work," she muttered.

"It's almost as beautiful as you are," I whispered. Jasmine smiled and rested her head on my shoulder.

We were able to dance quietly for almost two songs until Tori came running back up to us.

"Are you having fun?" Jasmine crouched down in her dress to talk to Tori.

"Yes! I made friends, too!" Tori giggled. Jasmine fixed Tori's hair behind her ear and stood back up to face me.

"I don't believe we have been introduced," came a voice behind me. I turned to see the bride and groom standing behind me with smiles stretched across their faces. Jasmine took my hand and Tori hid behind my legs.

"Owen," I used my other hand to shake my hand. "It's nice to meet you."

"I'm Jessica, and this is Tristan," Jasmine's sister introduced her and her husband. "Jasmine didn't tell me she was bringing anyone."

"She asked last minute. Said she forgot," I chuckled. Jasmine blushed in embarrassment, but Jessica laughed. Jasmine probably did this all the time.

"How do you two know each other?" Tristan asked. Tori peaked out from behind my legs.

"We met at Disney," Jasmine answered. "He—"

"No way! He's the one from Disney?" Jessica gasped. Her eyes were wide and her mouth was wide open in surprise.

"Yes and...we'," Jasmine glanced at me. "We're dating."

"This really is the greatest day of my life," Jessica giggled. Tristan's eyes caught movement behind my legs.

"And who do you have there?" He asked. I reached behind me and held Tori's hand. I know getting her to come say hi wouldn't happen tonight and I didn't want to push her.

"That's his daughter, Tori. Tori, guess what?" Jasmine crouched down next to me. Jessica and Tristan just watched on with soft smiles.

"What," came muffled from behind my legs.

"It's almost cake time," Jasmine whispered. Tori gasped and shot out from behind me.

"Really? Is it really? I want cake!" She jumped in Jasmine's arms and Jasmine picked her up.

"Doesn't she look pretty?" Jasmine whispered loudly in Tori's ear. I smirked. Watching them interact was like watching the rest of my life...she did so well with Tori.

Tori gasped as she caught sight of the bride in her large, flowing wedding dress. Jasmine put Tori down so she could rush over to Jessica.

"You look so pretty!" Tori squealed, reaching out to touch her dress. I reached my hand out to stop her and she frowned at me.

"Ask if you can touch, first," I suggested. Tori pouted but Jessica assured her that it was fine and let her touch all over her dress.

"So, an MC? Which one?" Tristan tried to make conversation. I thumbed my patch on my left side, just over my heart.

"Fallen Angels, out in Portland," I answered. He nodded and turned back to the conversation the women were having.

We talked for a few more minutes before the bride and groom said hi to some other people that had attended and then moved on to cake.

I had a hard time keeping her quiet as they had their intimate moment of feeding each other cake before allowing it to be served to the hungry crowd.

"Shh," I shushed her again while the photographer took pictures. Jessica announced to everyone to enjoy their cake and Tori couldn't be more excited.

"Chocolate or vanilla?" A waiter asked. I took one of each—vanilla for Tori and chocolate for myself—and made sure Tori didn't inhale hers before eating mine.

Jasmine had taken her place back at the head table with her sister and the best man as the party raged on.

I stayed until Tori's bedtime, and she was practically asleep in my arms when I went to say goodbye to Jasmine. She was smiling with her sister when I walked up slowly.

"Hey," I said quietly. She turned and smiled at us. "We're going to take off."

"Thank you for coming. It really means a lot," Jasmine whispered. I leaned forward, trying not to jostle Tori awake, and kissed her cheek. Jasmine blushed and waved us off.

I buckled her in the car and drove as softly as I can to our house and put her to bed. It had been a fun night even though I didn't really spend too much time with Jasmine. My phone vibrated against the kitchen counter and I answered it on the third ring.

"Hey," Jasmine breathed.

"Hey," I answered. "Did I forget something?"

"No, I just wanted to apologize. I'm sorry we didn't get to spend much time together tonight," Jasmine sounded apologetic.

"I totally understand. It's fine! We can go out some other time, maybe Monday next week? Are you off work?" I tried to assure her. I had a great time, and I wanted her to know that.

"I work that day, but that sounds amazing, Owen." I was happy she sounded relieved.

"I can pick you up at five if you can send me your address," I murmured. She laughed.

"Sure! Where are we going?"

"Oh, that's a surprise," I chuckled and Maya laughed with me after a moment.

"Alright. I'm trusting you, Owen," she said softly.

"You can trust me. It'll be fun."


I wanted more detail in this chapter, but it just didn't turn out that way. I hope you guys enjoyed anyway!

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