Chapter 25

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We're so close to the end!


"I have all but one case cleared," Maya told me a few days later.

I sighed in response and drummed my fingers on the table. Tori was with Jasmine, keeping her quite busy, because her parents wanted to visit today. George was a little more than excited to come.

Once they'd heard about the custody case they insisted on coming to support us however they could and told us they'd be at court with us.

"Which one is it?"

"One of the theft cases," Maya sighed. "It was six years ago at a local boutique? What the hell did you steal from there?"

"Fuck! It was a damn dare," I sighed and put my head in my hands.

"Are you kidding me?" Jasmine said loudly. I winced and fought the urge to slam my head onto the table.

"Rooster dared me to steal some shit, and if I didn't do it successfully I had to wear it," I grumbled. "I won and he had to wear it."

"Yeah, I remember that," Pres said quietly and chuckled until Maya smacked him.

"This is serious!" she scolded.

"I know," I answered. "You don't think I know? I could lose Tori over this."

"It's okay. We'll think of something," Pres said.

"If we admit to the charges, we might be able to just get a fine. I can make some phone calls and see if I can find anything else," Maya murmured.

"Thank you," I hugged Maya and glanced at Pres who nodded his head.

"Anything for you guys. We'll get through this," she whispered. We went our separate ways and I arrived home to a squealing Tori.

"Hey," Jasmine came around the corner looking frazzled. She blew some hair out of her face as I reached her.

"What the hell have you been doing?" I kissed her lightly after Tori scurried back into the kitchen.

"Cooking, cleaning, playing," she listed off with a smile. I kissed her again. "My parents are almost here. Can you meet them outside the gates?"

I continued to kiss her and slowly, her question drifted away from me.

"Owen," she pulled back.

"What," I whined and jutted my bottom lip out. Jasmine turned me around and pushed me as hard as she could towards the door.

"Go get my parents. I think Jess and Tristan came, too," she pushed me right out the front door and shut it behind me.

I sauntered through the door on the side of the gate a few minutes before they pulled up. I waved at Rooster to open the gate and motioned for them to park near the last row of bikes.

George almost tripped when getting out of the driver's seat.

"Holy shit!" He gasped. Anita got out to stand by him.

"You can take a look at them if you'd like," I murmured. George didn't answer as he rushed towards the rows of Harley Davidsons parked near the clubhouse.

"This is cool," Jessica added. I eyed Anita who had yet to say anything.

"You guys live in there?" Tristan pointed to the doorway where two members came out completely wasted.

"No, we live behind the clubhouse. Sorry. They're not usually like this," I apologized. He waved me off.

"Lead the way," Anita said quietly. Instead of walking through the clubhouse, I led them around it in case anyone else had decided to get drunk at eleven o'clock in the morning. Tristan whistled as my two-story house came into view. Even Anita looked shocked.

"Our construction business does good work," I boasted with a smile. "Come on in." I slowly led them inside and showed them around a bit before leading them to the kitchen where I could hear an excited conversation.

"Aunt Jessica!" Tori shouted when she noticed who was near me. She rushed to hug her, then Tristan, and she glanced at Anita unsurely. To my surprise, Jasmine's mother crouched down in front of her.

"You can call me grandma, if you like," she whispered. My eyebrows rose and Jasmie had a huge smile stretched across her face.

"I already have a grandma," Tori cocked her head unsurely.

"Tori," I scolded in a whisper. I didn't want to make her have a relationship with Anita if she didn't want to, but Anita was making an effort and I didn't want her to dislike Tori or I.

"How about something else, hm?" Anita pushed softly. I wanted to bite my finger nails off in anticipation.

"Is Gigi okay? It kind of sounds like grandma," Tori said while shrugging. Anita smiled and opened her arms for a hug in which Tori gladly reciprocated.

"Wow," George bustled into the house and glanced at every in confusion. "What did I miss?"

"Nothing. How were the bikes?" Anita stood and moved to his side to listen to him talk excitedly about what he had seen outside. Jessica and Tristan started talking to Jasmine and Tori while Anita stepped closer to me again.

"I'm sorry about lunch a few days ago," she apologized.

"It's no problem," I insisted.

"Jasmine's always known her own heart and mind," Anita smiled. "I just wanted to make sure she was okay."

"I understand. She's an incredible woman, and Tori and I are so lucky to have her in our lives," I answered with a large smile. It was true.

"Take care of her...but I don't have to tell you that," she whispered. I nodded with a grin.

"Oh," I remembered, "I wanted to thank you guys for coming tomorrow. It's going to be...difficult. I appreciate your support."

"Jasmine updated us on everything. Of course, we'll be there. I'm not losing my first grandchild right after we've met her," Anita patted me on the shoulder before moving to talk to the rest of the family.

George picked Tori up on his shoulders to get something out of a high cabinet that he very well could have reached but she was absolutely loving it. I felt my heart squeeze when I thought about what my father would have done with her...

"How'd that talk go?" Jasmine came towards me and held my hands.

"Good," I answered and smiled when George twirled Tori around. "They love her."

"They do," Jasmine sighed happily against my chest.

"My dad would have loved you," I whispered. I turned my head slightly down so I could look at her and kiss her lightly.

"I would have loved to meet him," Jasmine pulled me into a tight hug, then lead me into the throng of people in my kitchen. I smiled at the loud noises and mess they were all making and stared at Tori's laughing face.

This is what I had always wanted.


Love this, love them!

Torch | Fallen Angels MC #2Where stories live. Discover now