Day 7

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story.

Day 7 of the Flumptober challenge!  Today's prompt is first word you think of.  I thought of grocery shopping early because I was telling me mom what she needed to get.

Today was grocery day.  The day of the week where they need to go to the grocery store to get stuff to last them through the week.  Nya offered to go this week and dragged Jay with her.  Jay wasn't going to get a choice in the matter and he knew it.  Lloyd had begged them to take him, but Jay and Nya were pretty sure that was just so he could refill his candy stash.  Although, part of their list was picking up candy for Day of the Departed.  They had to stock up now before all the candy ran out.

When they got to the store, Lloyd immediately ran off.

"Should we go after him?" Jay asked.

"Nah," Nya said.  "The reason I actually dragged you along is so we could spend some alone time together.  I didn't expect Lloyd to tag along."

"He likes to tag along with whoever is grocery shopping when he needs to refill his secret candy stash.  It's like how Cole will go with whoever is grocery shopping when he needs more cake and he tricks the person he is with into going to the bakery."

"Those two really need to cut down on their sweets."

"I know."  They both laughed as they went to go get the items on their list.  They went around the store, grabbing what they needed to get until there was one thing left on their list.  Candy for Day of the Departed.

"I guess now we get to find Lloyd," Nya said.

"It was nice just being the two of us while it lasted," Jay commented.  "What kind of candy should we get for the kids who will come begging for candy?"

"I was thinking that we should get some candy that's nut free.  There are a lot of kids who are allergic to nuts."

"Good idea.  We don't want to feed any kid candy that could be poison to them.  We could get Hershey's Kisses, Hershey's Milk Chocolate Bars, and Junior Mints."

"We could also get York Mints.  We do get to eat the leftovers."

"Unless Lloyd steals it."

"We need to keep the candy under 24-hour surveillance."  They both laughed as they got to the candy aisle where, surely enough, Lloyd was with two armfuls of candy.

"Is that enough for you or do you need a little more?" Jay joked.

"Yeah.  Yeah," Lloyd said.  "Don't tell Master Wu!"

Jay and Nya rolled their eyes.  "We need to get candy for Day of the Departed," Nya told Lloyd.  "And you are not allowed to eat it with all of the candy you are getting.  Understood."

Lloyd looked at Nya stern expression and gulped.  You do not want to get on her bad side.  "Yes," he said timidly.


While they were talking, Jay grabbed all of the candy that he and Nya agreed upon.  "This should do it," Jay said as he put thecandy in the cart.  "That's everything on the list."

"Let's go pay for it and head back," Nya said as they walked to the checkout.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed!  I know Halloween isn't really going to feel like Halloween this year, but I'm not ruining it for the ninja.  Also, I added tht whole nut free candy thing because I'm allergic to peanuts, so I just listed different types of candy that I can have.

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