Day 11

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story.

Day 11 of the Flumptober challenge!  Today's prompt is Dareth or Gayle Gossip.

"Hello, this is Gayle Gossip reporting live from Ninjago City where the ninja are currently in pursuit of some armed robbery suspects.  Sources say-"  Gayle Gossip cut herself off when she noticed her cameraman, Vinny, was watching the ninja fight and had moved the camera away from her.  "Vinny!"

"Yes, Gayle," Vinny said timidly.

"Film me!  We're covering a story here!"

"I'm sorry.  It won't happen again."  Vinny readjusts the camera so that it is back on Gayle.

"Good.  As I was saying, sources say that the suspects robbed a jewelry store and held the cashier at gunpoint.  There is currently no-"  She cut herself off again as Vinny once again got distracted and moved the camera away from her.  "Vinny!  What did we just talk about?!"

"Sorry Gayle."

"Don't get distracted again!  We don't want Fred Finely to show us up, now do we?!"

"No Gayle."

"Good.  Let's film this!"  Vinny fixed the caamera back on Gayle.

"There is currently no indication of what the robbers stole or how much it's worth."

Vinny noticed that the fight appeared to be heading towards them.  "Gayle," he said trying to get her attention.

"Vinny, we're filming," Gayle tried to say calmly.

"Gayle, this is important."

"It can wait until after we're done."

"But Gayle."

"What did I just say?!"

The fight got dangerously close to them.  "I don't know about you, but I'm running!"  Vinny dropped the camera and ran off.

Gayle looked behind her and saw how close the fight was to where she was standing.  "WIMP!!!" she yelled out to Vinny.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed!

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