Day 28

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story.

Day 28 of the Flumptober challenge!  Today's prompt is facing your fears.  This is a continuation of Day 24.

"Is it gone?" Lloyd asked.

"Let me check," Cole said and slowly opened the door and saw the bee waiting in the hallway.  The bee saw the door open and started to fly in their direction.  Cole quickly closed the door.  "Nope!  It's still there!"

They were currently hiding in Lloyd's room.  "You know this is all your fault, right?"

"My fault?!"

"Yes.  You were the one who thought it would be a good idea to knock down a beehive last month and now I'm afraid of bees.  Some of the spots that I got stung still hurt."

"I will admit that was a bad idea...and it gave me a fear of bees too, but you were the one who threw the book at it."

"I wouldn't have thrown the book at it if I wasn't afraid of it."

Out in the hallway and out of sight of the bee, Kai and Zane were watching the whole thing.  Kai was also filming it.

"I still do not see the point in us bringing in the spider and the bee," Zane said.  "All it has done is scared our teammates.  I thought you said that it would be helpful."

"It has been helpful," Kai said.

"May I ask for whom?"

"For me.  Now I have some blackmail for if I need it.  Although, Cole killed the spider too soon."

"This has been going on long enough."  Zane grabbed a jar and put the bee in it.  He took it to the window and released it.  He then went to Lloyd's door and knocked on it.

Cole opened the door and saw Zane.  "Where's the bee?" Cole asked.

"The bee that Kai had me help him bring in is gone," Zane told them.

"Kai had you help him bring in a bee?!" Lloyd exclaimed angrily.  Lloyd and Cole looked at Kai and were shooting daggersat him with their eyes.

"All I wanted to do was help you face your fears," Kai lied, but Lloyd and Cole weren't buying it.  "I was trying to do the same for Jay and Nya with the spider."

Jay and Nya burst into the hallway.  "YOU BROUGHT IN THE SPIDER!!!"

"I'm gonna run now.  So bye."  Kai started running as Jay, Nya, Lloyd, and Cole chased him.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed!

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