Day 9

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story.

Day 9 of the Flumptober challenge!  Today's prompt is "Cough-I'm sick!"

Nya woke up and swore she heard somebody throwing up.  She tried to pass it off as a dream until she heard it again.  She decided to get up and see what was going on.  She looked at the clock and saw that it was 3:00am.  'Did they have to make so much noise at 3 in the morning?!' Nya thought to herself as she climbed out of bed.  She wondered into the hallway and down to the shared bathroom.

She knocked on the door and heard a mumbled "come in."  She opened the door and saw Jay on the ground and not looking too well.  "Hey Nya," he said and leaned over the toilet and threw up again for what felt like the millionth time for him tha morning.

"Are you ok?"

Jay coughed.  "I'm sick!" he exclaimed.

Nya knew that Jay hardly ever got sick, but when he did, he got really sick.  Nya kneeled down beside Jay and rubbed his back while he continued to throw up.  When he was done, Nya flushed the toilet and grabbed the thermometer out of the cabinet.  She took his temperature and saw that he had a fever.  "I'll be right back," Nya said as she walked out of the bathroom.  When she came back, she was holding a bottle of water and a bucket.  She reached into the cabinet again and grabbed some medicine.

"I'm not sure if anything will stay down right now," Jay said because he knew what Nya was doing.

"You need to try," Nya said softly.  "The medicine will make you feel better and you're probably dehydrated right now."

Jay took the medicine and water from Nya and swallowed it.

"Come on.  Let's get you back to bed."  Nya grabbed Jay's arm with one hand and held the bucket she brought with the other.  Nya helped Jay to his room and helped him to lay down.  She set the bucket down on his nightstand.  "This bucket is for if you need to throw up again.  Do you need anything else?"

"No," Jay said.  "I'm ok."

Nya waited until Jay was asleep before heading back to her own room.

A few hours later

Nya woke up later than she normally would.  After the events that had transpired a few hours prior, she kind of figured that was going to happen.  She walked out to the kitchen and saw the others, minus Jay, sitting at the table.

"Hey sis," Kai said.  "Slept in?"

"Well, none of you had to wake up to a sick boyfriend," Nya said.

"Jay is sick?" Cole asked.

"Yep.  I found him throwing up in the bathroom at 3:00am.  I can't believe that I'm the only one who was woken up by it."

"I think I heard someone throwing up last night, but I thought I was dreaming," Lloyd said as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"I will go to check him out," Zane said.  "Just to make sure it's nothing serious."  Nya nodded and the two of them walked to Jay's room and he was still sleeping.  Nya checked the bucket and he hadn't thrown up again.

Zane proceeded to scan Jay.  That was an advantage of having a nindroid on the team.  "It looks like it's just a stomach flu," Zane said.  "It should be gone within 24 hours."

"Thanks Zane," Nya said.

"Of course.  He just needs rest and we need to get fluids in him whenever possible."

"I'll look after him," Nya said.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah.  He is my boyfriend after all."

"I will head back to the kitchen."

After Zane left, Nya sat down on the side of Jay's bed and ran her fingers through hi hair.  After a few minutes, he started to wake up.  "Hey."  Nya beamed at him.

"Hey," Jay said back.

"How are you feeling?"

"A bit better."

"Zane said that you should be better within 24 hours."

"That's good.  I really hate being sick."

"There is one bright side."

Jay raised an eyeroe at his girlfriend.

"You get me all to yourself."

Jay moved over to give Nya enough space to lay down next to him.  The two laid there and cuddled together.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed!

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