Day 12

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story.

Day 12 of the Flumptober challenge!  Today's prompt is returning villain.

Nya's POV

If you asked me what I would be doing a week ago, saving my Yin would definitely not have been my answer.  Then again, we didn't expect Nadakhan to make his grand return.  As it turns out, Clutch Powers found the Teapot of Tyrahn and opened it.  We should've located it as after time was reversed, but of course, we didn't.

Nadakhan showed back up and he remembered everything.  The good part is that we had already told the others about Nadakhan, so they weren't confused by who he was.  They just didn't remember all the tricks he can pull.  We told them not to make any wishes and they didn't, but Nadakhan is still sneaky in other ways.

This time, he didn't come after me.  Getting infinite wishes has not been the top of his priorities list.  What is at the top is getting revenge on Jay...and we couldn't stop him.  When he showed up, everyone instinctively protected me after what we told them about marrying me and getting infinite wishes, but I wasn't the one they should've been protecting.  When we realized that he was going after Jay instead of me, we fought as hard as we could to stop Nadakhan from taking him, but we lost.

I remember how bad it was for Jay last time Nadakhan had taken him and right now...I just hope he's alright.  I hope that Nadakhan hasn't killed him.  Now that Nadakhan is actually out for revenge and not trying to get a wish out of him, it could get a lot worse for Jay.

Right now, I'm just looking over the Bounty, deep in thought.  I didn't even realize when I started crying, but I did.  I just can't believe that I let this happen.  I'm an awful Yang.

"Shhh.  It's ok, sis.  We'll get him back," Kai said comfortingly as he pulled me in for a hug.  When did he get out here?

"B-But K-Kai," I started as I was still crying.  "W-We don't k-know w-what Nadakhan i-is doing t-to him."

"I know, but Jay is strong.  If he survived what Nadakhan put him through before, he'll survive this."

"You don't know that!" I snapped at him.  "You don't remember everything that Nadakhan is capable of!  I do!"

Kai was taken aback by my sudden outburst.  It took him a minute to figure out what to say next.  "And that's why we need you.  I know that you're worried about him.  We all are,'re the only one who knows the full extent of what we're dealing with.  We need you to come up with a plan to save him."

Kai is right.  I'm the one who knows.  I need to try to keep my emotions together to save Jay.  I know what we need to do.  "We need to go to Tiger Widow Island," I tell him.

"We don't know where that is.  We don't have a map."

"I remember its location.  I can lead us there."  Kai nodded and started to head back inside.  I followed him.  Kai actually gave me hope.  Who knew, sometimes he could be a good big brother.  All I know right now is I'm going to save Jay, no matter what!

A/N: I hope you enjoyed!  I have been considering doing a Nadakhan story eventually, but I need to come up with a strong enough story and have more free time on my hands.  Anyways, I'm looking forward to tomorrow's prompt!  I already know what I'm going to do!

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