Day 31

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story.

Day 31 of the Flumptober challenge!  Today's prompt is Halloween or Day of the Departed. This challenge has been a lot of fun to do, so here is the last challenge.

The ninja had decided to spend the night of Day of the Departed watching movies that fit with the theme of the holiday.  One of them would occassionally get up when trick or treaters knocked on the door.  Speaking of...

"I'll get it," Kai groaned as he got up.  They were currently watching "The Nightmare Before Christmas" because why not? 

He grabbed the bucket of candy that they've been trying to keep Lloyd away from and went to the door.  When he opened it, he was greeted by trick or treaters who were dressed as the ninja.  "Trick or treat!" they said.

"Look at you guys," Kai said.  "I like the costumes, especially the red one."  He placed one piece of candy in each of their buckets.  "There you go.  Happy Day of the Departed!"

"Only one?" the kid dressed as Kai said.

"We need to save some for everyone else."

"Give us more!" the kid dressed as Lloyd demanded.

"No!" Kai snapped.

"Get him!"  The kids attacked Kai and knocked the candy bowl out of his hand and took all the candy.  They only left the bowl behind.

Kai got up and grabbed the bowl.  "Little brats," he mumbled.  He went back to the living room where the others were and refilled the bowl.

"Didn't we just refill it?" Nya asked.

"How much candy did you give them?" Jay asked.

"I didn't give it to them," Kai said.  "They took it."

"So, you were attacked by a bunch of kids," Cole said.

"No comment."

Over to the side, Lloyd was plotting.  "So, that's how I get the candy."

"Don't even think about it, Lloyd," Zane said.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed! Happy Halloween!

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