Day 10

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story and my OC's.

Day 10 of the Flumptober challenge!  I'm super excited for this one!  As I was originally reading through the prompt list, I thought of this one.  This will have the characters from my next generation books.  I will also be posting this in my Ninjago next generation oneshots book.

It was a peaceful day, for once, in Ninjago.  The young masters of fire and ice were sitting on the couch, watching TV.  Yes, a 12 year old boy and a 12 year old nindroid just watching TV together.  What could go wrong?

Zeke, the master of fire, started laughing at what was happening on the TV while Felix, the master of ice, just sat there unamused.

"What is the point in this?" Felix asked.

"Come on," Zeke said annoyed.  "Don't you have a humor switch?"

"No.  My dad does, but he did not want to give one to me or my sister.  He said that it can cause problems."

"Well, there has to be some way to make you understand humor.  Your sister has more humor than you!"

"That could be because of her boyfriend."

"Whatever."  Zeke slumped back on the couch, but then thought of something.  "I have an idea!  What if I reprogram you to understand humor?"

"I do not think that would be a good idea," Felix said nervously.  "You do not know anything about reprogramming."

"If Justin and Alex can do it, how hard can it be?"

"It is not wise to compare yourself to your cousins.  Justin and Alex are four years older than you and their parents are inventors who taught them how to reprogram technology."

"Just trust me, Felix," Zeke pleaded.

"Fine," Felix caved.

Zeke attempted to reprogram Felix didn't go so well.

"Carrots are a fruit!  Carrots are a fruit!" Felix yelled as he ran around the room.

"Maybe it was a bad idea," Zeke said as he facepalmed.

"It is alright, doggy.  I will take care of you," Felix said as he was petting the couch.

"I'm going to get in so much trouble."

Lucky for Zeke, the master of lightning walked in to check on them.  "What's going on in here?" he asked.

"Justin!" Zeke exclaimed.  "I need your help!"

"What happened, cous?"

"I tried to reprogram Felix, didn't go so well."

"How bad is it?"

Felix piped up in a minion voice, "BANANA!!!"

Justin put his hand to his forehead.  "Why would you think that would be a good idea?"

"I wanted to give him a sense of humor," Zeke said innocently.

"Bleh bleh beh," Felix said in a Dracula voice.

"Yeah.  This is much better," Justin said sarcastically.

"Just fix him before I get in trouble!" Zeke yelled.

"Fine.  I'll give you a 'get out of jail free' card this time, but if it happens again, you owe me."

Justin started working on fixing Felix.  "Where's Alex?" Zeke asked.

"She's on a date with Max," Justin responded.

"My sister?"

"Juliet is on a date with Mason."


"With her parents."

"All of our other parents?"

"Don't know."  Justin finished reprogramming Felix back to normal.  "That should do it."  He turned Felix back on.

"What happened?" Felix asked confused.

"Do you want to tell him what you did?" Justin asked Zeke smugly.

"I'm sorry, Felix," Zeke said.  "I tried to reprogram you and it didn't really go that well."  Zeke rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"It is alright," Felix said.  "Friends forgive each other."  Zeke pulled Felix into a hug.

Justin looked at his watch and then looked back at Zeke.  "Thanks to me having to clean up your mess, I'm late for my date with Rosie.  I gotta go."

"Justin!" Felix called as Justin was heading out the door.

Justin turned back to Felix.  "What?"

"Do not tell my sister what Zeke did to me.  I do not want her to kill him."

"Ugh.  I don't want to keep secrets from my girlfriend."  He looked at Zeke and Felix who had pleading looks on their faces.  "Fine, but just this once.  It will stay between us."  Justin left and Zeke and Felix returned to watching TV.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed!

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