Day 8

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story.

Day 8 of the Flumptober challenge!  Today's prompt is set during your favorite season.  My favorite season is Skybound and I know that a lot of people have done something similar to this before, but I decided to try my take on it.

Nadakhan was coming for them.  Jay and Nya knew that.  They had lost their entire team and were stuck hiding out in a lighthouse.  Just the two of them.  Nya was upset about losing everyone into the Sword of Souls, but she was also incredibly relieved to have Jay back.  Her feelings for Jay had never left, but she felt like she had to push him away to not give in to stereotypes.  She wanted people to see her as the strong girl of the team, not the damsel in distress of the team who always needed her boyfriend to save her.  She had to make a name for herself before she could consider a relationship.  She felt like she had to hide her feelings.  She still cared for Jay, a lot, which was also why she knew something was wrong with him.  He was quiet.  Jay is never quiet.  She had also noticed that he was limping as they were walking up the steps to the lighthouse.  Something was wrong and whatever it was worried her.

"Jay."  Nya's voice was soft and caring.  Jay looked up at her slowly.  Nya noticed the bags under his eyes.  He looked like he hadn't slept in days.  His eyes also looked glazed over.  Although, his left eye had a big bruise around it too.  His skin looked pale.  There were rips all over his ninja gi.  Nya wondered how she hadn't noticed how bad Jay's condition was before.  She sat next to him looking concerned.  "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine, Nya."  Jay's voice sounded strained and emotionless and he looked back down.  "Don't worry about me."

"I am worried about you, Jay.  What did Nadakhan do to you?"

Jay didn't speak which made Nya even more worried.

"What did he do?" she said sternly.  Anger flooded through her.  The next time she saw that djinn, she would kill him.

"It was nothing."

"It sure doesn't look like nothing."

Jay looked back up at Nya.  "We need to protect you.  Nadakhan is after you."

"But if your injuries aren't taken care of, you won't last in a fight."  Nya couldn't believe how after everything she put him through, he was willing to risk his life and ignore all the pain he was in just for her.  She was scared about what could happen if Nadakhan found them, but she wasn't all that scared about what could happen to her.  She was more scared about what could happen to Jay.  She had to take care of his injuries.  "I'll be right back."  She went to find a first-aid kit.  She searched for ten minutes before she found it and went back to Jay.  "Where does it hurt?"

"Nya, you don't hav-"  Jay was cut off by Nya.

"Jay!  Please let me help."  Jay knew it was pointless to argue and just noded.  "Where does it hurt?" she asked again.

"Pretty much everywhere," he said honestly.

Nya reached into the supplies that they brought and grabbed a bottle of water and handed it to Jay.  "You need to drink."

"Thanks," he said softly.

Nya started to inspect his injuries.  Jay took off the top part of his gi and Nya gasped when she saw all of the cuts and bruises that covered his body.  At this point, she couldn't believe that he had managed to fight with them before Nadakhan trapped Lloyd and Cole in the Sword of Souls.  She started by taking care of the cuts on his shoulders and back before moving to his abdomen.  He winced as soon as Nya touched his abdomen.  "I'm sorry," Nya said.  She had a suspicion of what could be wrong.

"I-It's fine," Jay stuttered.

"It's your ribs, isn't it?"  Jay nodded.  "I'll try to be as careful as possible."  She carefully finished his abdomen and wrapped it up.  She then moved to his legs.  She lifted up his pant legs and took care of all of the cuts he had there.  After that, her eyes traveled down to his right ankle and she gasped when she saw it.  It was badly swollen.  She touched it lightly and he winced.  "How were you walking?" Nya asked.

"Adrenaline?"  That came out as more of a question than a statement.

Nya wrapped up his ankle and stood back up.  She grabbed Jay's arm and helped him up.  "Come on."

"Where are we going?" Jay asked.

"You are going to lay down," Nya said sternly.

"Nya, I can't.  What if Nadakhan comes?"

"If anything happens, I guarantee you'll hear it.  I'm going to leave the door open.  The only way you're going to get better is rest, ok?"

"Fine," Jay said reluctantly as they entered the lighthouse's bedroom.  Nya led him over to the bed and laid him down.

"I'm going to go make us something to eat," Nya said.  "Try and get some rest while I'm working on it.  You look like you haven't slept in days."

"Thanks Nya," Jay said and gave her a soft smile.

"Don't mention it."  Nya smiled back and walked out of the room.  She still wasn't going to admit her feelings for Jay at the moment, but there was no way she was going to let Nadakhan get his hands on Jay again.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed!  I've never done a story that was during a season, so sorry if it's not great.

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