Day 19

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story.

Day 19 of the Flumptober challenge! Today's prompt is Forbidden elemental AU.

"Do you see anyone?"

"So far, no."

"They couldn't have gotten to them, could they have, Lloyd?"

"I don't know, Jay."

Jay and Lloyd were currently looking for some elemental masters that they had gotten information about. Elemental masters were banned in Ninjago. People were afraid of them. If an elemental master was caught, they would get locked up and experimented on. The Ninjago police had enough venestone to easily take out any elemental master. Cole and Kai were on ground patrol and Zane and Nya were in their underground tunnel system.

"Lloyd, look over there," Jay said and pointed to an alleyway where there were three people hiding out. "Do you think they're who we're looking for?"

"Only one way to find out," Lloyd said and then proceeded to speak into his comms. "Cole, you and Kai watch our backs. We think we may have found who we're looking for. You know the plan."

"Copy that, Lloyd," Cole replied.

Jay and Lloyd snuck over to the alleyway where the three elemental masters were hiding.

"Hello," Lloyd said softly, but it still made them jump. "It's ok. We're not going to hurt you. We want to help."

"You're elemental masters, right?" Jay said and they nodded.

"We're elemental masters too. I'm Lloyd, the master of energy, and this is Jay, the master of lightning."

A girl with red hair hair stepped forward from the three. "I'm Skylor, the master of amber. This is Bobolo, the master of nature, and Tox, the master of poison."

"Don't worry, we're going to get you somewhere safe, but you have to listen to the two of us as well as our friends, ok?" They nodded.

They started to make their way out of the alleyway. They had to be careful to not get caught, but of course luck wasn't in their favor. "Stop right there!" a police officer yelled when he spotted them. Jay and Lloyd got in a fighting stance and the others copied them. Cole and Kai found them and came over. Kai froze when he saw Skylor. She was the prettiest girl he had ever seen.

Kai was snapped out of his trance by Lloyd's voice. "Cole and Kai, get them to the tunnels where Zane and Nya are."

"He's calling in backup!" Cole exclaimed. "We can't leave you guys here!"

"We'll be right behind you."

Cole and Kai nodded. "Follow us," Cole said and they started to run towards the tunnels as Jay and Lloyd held off the police.

Kai looked over at Skylor. "We haven't introduced ourselves yet. I'm Kai, the master of fire, and this is Cole, the master of earth."

"I'm Skylor and this is Bobolo and Tox," Skylor said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Uh Kai. Did you just use the word pleasure?" Cole asked.

"I did. You got a problem with that?"

"I was just making sure I heard that properly." Cole smirked.

They made it to the underground tunnel system and climbed in. Zane and Nya were waiting for them when they got down.

"Greetings," Zane said. "I'm Zane, the master of ice."

"And I'm Nya, the master of water," Nya added.

"Guys, this is Skylor, Bobolo, and Tox," Kai said.

"Finally, more girls," Nya said.

"Where are the others?" Zane asked.

"They were holding off the police," Cole said. "Lloyd said they would be right behind us."

"What?!" Nya exclaimed. "You left my boyfriend up there to fight off the people trying to hunt us down!"

"It was Lloyd's orders."

They looked up when they heard the entrance to the tunnels opening and Jay and Lloyd, quite literally, fell in. Cole and Kai went over to help them up.

"That...was hard," Jay panted.

"We of them," Lloyd panted.

Nya walked over to her boyfriend, Jay, to make sure he was ok.

"We should get to our base," Zane said.

"You guys are the secret ninja who have been trying to help elemental masters, aren't you?" Skylor asked.

"Yes, we are," Cole said. "Unfortunately, you guys have been our only successful attempt so far." They started to the walk to their secret base.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed!

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