Day 13

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago or "F2020" by Avenue Beat, just the story.

Day 13 of the Flumptober challenge!  I've been waiting to do this one.  I couldn't resist adding the song.  Today's prompt is "At least this can't get any worse!"

The ninja were in the living room of the monastery watching TV.  They were watching the news that was telling them everything that was going wrong in the world currently.  There's a pandemic that has killed a lot of people and now the leader of Ninjago tested positive, not that they really cared about him all that much (the leader is an idiot).  They were stuck in quarantine because of the pandemic, no matter how much they wanted stuff to be open so that they could go have fun, but everything was closed to make them stay home.  There were protests because of police shootings of black men and women.  Although, the ninja actually joined in for the protests.  Some people took those protests too far and started looting.  There was a strange thunderstorm where a lot of lightning strikes caused wildfires.  Now it felt like Ninjago was burning, even though it was mainly in the mountains where dry grass was and because of the wildfires, there was smoke all over Ninjago which made the air quality unhealthy.  This year just seemed like the worst.

Kai grabbed the remote and changed the channel, tired of hearing about everything that was wrong.  "At least this can't get any worse!" Kai exclaimed.

Then, the ground started shaking.  "EARTHQUAKE!!!" Lloyd yelled.  They all ran to any doorway they could find and stand under.  Jay and Nya were under one doorway, Lloyd and Cole were under another, and Kai and Zane were under another.

When the shaking stopped, they slowly walked back to where they were sitting.  "Kai, why did you have to say that!" Nya yelled at her brother.

"I didn't think anything would happen," Kai defended.

"That's the third earthquake today," Cole said.  "I hope that there's not a big one coming."

"Why do our elements hate us?!" Jay exclaimed.

"Well, there was a thunderstorm, wild fires, and earthquakes," Nya said and gestured to Jay, Cole, and Kai.  "It seems like it's just your elements."

"Technically, there was rain that came with the thunderstorm, so your element was involved also, Nya," Zane said.

"That means that my element and Zane's are the only ones that haven't tried to make our lives wor-"

Nya covered Lloyd's mouth.  "Don't.  Finish.  That.  Sentence."  Lloyd nodded and Nya removed her hand.

"Well, does anyone want to play a game of Monopoly?" Jay asked.

"It's not like we have anything better to do," Cole said.

"No one better make a deal with Nya!" Kai exclaimed.  "That is how we've been losing every game."

"Don't worry," Nya said and winked at Jay.  "I'll get one of you to make a deal."

A/N: I hope you enjoyed!

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