Chapter 2

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*Kageyama POV*

The school bell rang signaling the end of class. I pack up my things quickly to see y/n in our next class. We heard yelling from the hallway and most of the students ran to the door to see the drama. I think nothing of it. tch it's probably some break up again I thought. I went to the door and looked to see what was going on because sometimes these things get really interesting.

Once I saw who was having an argument I froze. It's y/n yelling at tsuk- salty boy and her friend? Tears started to fall down her cheeks. I wanted to run up to her and pull her away from that situation. " WHAT THAT MY BEST FRIEND AND MY BOYFRIEND ARE MAKING OUT AND HAVE BEEN FOR A WHOLE CLASS PERIOD!!" y/n yelled heart broken. y/n.. y/n ... y/n is all i could think of. "Please y/n listen it really isn't what you think" salty boy said while fixing his uniform. "GET AWAY FROM ME YOU- YOU CHEATER" y/n yelled your voice breaking. You heard whispering all around you. You wanted to tell them to shut up. "Y/n..." they said in unison. "FUCK YOU BOTH!!" y/n yelled. She then sprinted down the hallways dumping into people in the process. Next thing you know you are running down the hallways as well. It's like your legs moved on their own. You saw y/n turn back, it made you run even faster than before. She turns corners and runs up the stairs to the rooftop. She opens the door and closes it so that you won't get in. "Y/N OPEN THE DOOR!" you yelled. "Please go away" y/n said weakly. "I WON'T LEAVE UNTIL YOU OPEN THIS DOOR" you yelled. She didn't respond, making you worry, thinking that she might have jumped off the building. A million thoughts were running in your head.

*Back to y/n POV*

Why are you even here, Kageyama? is what you thought. But your hands were already moving to open the door. He enters onto the rooftop and the next thing you know you are embraced by his warm arms. You don't care anymore and hugged him back tightly crying in his arms. It stays like that for a while. Until you let him go.

"Thank you," you said, wiping your tears. "Anytime" he replied wiping a tear you didn't wipe away. This felt nice, his warm hands on your face, his hand around your waist because he hadn't pulled away yet. "I know we have been friends for a while, but since I laid my eyes on you I've wanted to do this," he said. Is-IS HE GOING TO KISS ME! You thought. The idea didn't really bother you so you started to lean in. "What are you doing?" he asked. "I- uh. Thought you were going to kiss me." you said looking down at your shoes to hide your embarrassment. "Oh- OHH sorry that was misleading. I wanted to fix your tie because you never tie it right" he said, also looking away to hide his embarrassment. "Sorry i made it awkward didn't I?" you asked still with your head down. "No it's really my fault I said something that was totally misleading," he said. It was a bit silent after that, but he still had his hand around your waist. He then used his free hand and lifted your chin up. "If you wanted me to kiss you could have just asked" he said with a smirk. You felt your face heating up.

And just like that you were having your own makeout session on the rooftop. It felt nice, all your worries started to wash away. Your body was relaxed with his body touching you. You decided to play with his hair because you knew boys went crazy for that and you loved teasing tsukki with it. Sh*t don't think about tsukki right now you said in your head. You felt him smile through a kiss when you played with his hair. "Teasing me I huh" he said while doing the thumb thing on your cheek. You smiled because you loved the thumb jester when kissing.

You hear yelling and loud stomps by the stairs but you chose to ignore it because you were having a great time. You heard the rooftop door swing open and hitting the wall with a loud bang. "WHAT THE FUCK!" tsukki yelled. Startled, you jumped away from kageyama. "I- uh" is all you could say. "What you were the one you cheated first" kageyama said with a pissed tone. "WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME KING!" tsukk- tsukishima yelled. "THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR KISSING HER!" tsukishima yelled while he was about to throw a punch at kageyama. You knew he was going to punch him but you didn't want him to get hurt since it was your idea to kiss. You moved your body infront of kageyama, tsukishima didn't have enough time to stop himself from hitting you.

*you passed out from the hit to the face* "y/n y/n!" "Wake up!" they yelled. You tried to open your eyes but they felt too heavy.

You then wake up at an unfamiliar place. "So you're awake now," a male said. You couldn't see clearly who it was, then it hit you, it was your father. What the hell are we gonna do now you thought. "What the hell were you thinking!" your father said in an angry tone. "Once we get home, pack up your things, we are leaving to the US as soon as possible," your father said while he walked out. No, please no, not again you thought as tears streamed down your face. Please let me stay. I don't want to leave this time...


Author's note:

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, i love writing these. Chapter 3 will upload tomorrow i promise.

Author angie~ ヽ(' ∇' )ノ

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