Chapter 14

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I woke up from my bed and there was a banging in my head. Urgh what happened. Most importantly was that REAL!? Just to make sure I ask sebastian as soon as I went down stairs. Of course after I got ready.

"Sebastian!" I yelled halfway down the stairs.

"Yes miss?" He said.

"Did I bring over a handsome, blonde, tall guy here last night?" I said.

"No, not that I recall. But I made breakfast so hurry up and eat before it gets cold." He said.

Was it all just a dream?

I went to work as if nothing happened unsure if something did indeed happen or not. As soon as I got there I saw Tsukki. I gave him a smile and walk away into the elevators. He came running into the elevator with me. It was very awkward. 

"Last night was fun." Tsukki finally said.

"I-It was?" I stuttered.

"Your very cute and funny when drunk." He said laughing while covering his mouth. Cute?!

"Hey Tsukki... d-did we do anything?" I asked playing with my fingers. And im pretty sure he noticed.

"If I recall you tried to kiss me. But that's about it." He said like it was nothing. That was it? No way are you kidding me IT WAS A DREAM! 

*Time Skip*

"Hey y/n are you okay you've been spacing out a lot?" Asked a co-worker.

"Oh yes im fine! I was just thinking about my report that I have due." I say while showing her the report in my hand.

"Okay then. Take care!" She said walking away. Whew close one.

I entered our board meeting room. There was a man who looked like he was 50 but at the same time 30. I don't know I think im still drunk. I spaced out through the whole thing though thinking of my dream. 

"Hello?" said someone

"Ms. Chan." They said trying to get my attention.

"MS. CHAN!" They said annoyed.

"Oh yes?! Sorry I sorta spaced out." I say.

"Right? Your report?" He says.

"Right!" I say heading towards the front and presenting my papers.

"So our company . . . blah blah . . . work work . . . big words . . ." Is summing up what I said of course. 

"Mr. Tsukishima." The old man said. Tsukki stands up and presents.

He explains his thoughts but I can't look at him. He makes me feel nervous. Of course a dumb crush. Great y/n, a prize for being to most dumb person to live. I look up and we make eye contact for 3.4 seconds. But he breaks it. Rude.

* After the meeting* 

I quickly get my things and rush after Tsukki. 

"TSUKKI!" I yell.

"TSUKKI!" I yell again I tried running but its hard in heals. And then he finally turns around.

"Yes y/n?" He says.

" We need to talk." I say looking at him with a serious face.

" Um okay. Let's talk in the elevator because I have to meet someone." He says. We then enter the elevator and I clear my throat to talk.

" Tsukki I know it might have been weird that I kissed you that night. In my defense I was drunk. I'm also sorry for dreaming that we- I mean yep thats it." I say looking away from him.

"Its fine I didn't really care if im honest." He said looking at his watch. Is he doing this on purpose? 

" Um Tsukki. By any chance do you like someone?" I say still looking away.

" What is this highschool?" He says looking at me.

" Well?" I say looking at him

"No" He says straight forward. Yelp there go your dreams y/n right down the drain. The elevator stops and he gets out. I follow him since im also heading home. But then I see someone, an old friend.

"Akiteru?!" I say running up to him.

"Y/N!" He says running up to me. We exchange our hellos and freak out because we haven't seen eachother in a long time.

" Y/n what do you think you're doing?" Tsukki says pissed.

" Greeting an old friend?" I say unclear what the problem was.

" You mean greeting my brother?!" He says again pissed.

"B-Brother!?!" I say looking at them both shocked.


Hello people, 

Sorry I haven't  posted in a long time. But I am here now and expect a lot of chapters soon. (About 6 more) I hope you liked the dream twist I sure am evil aren't I. N E ways I hope you have an amazing day! And i pray for good health and grades for you all! 


Author Angie~

Arranged Marriage (tsukishima kei x reader)Where stories live. Discover now