Chapter 10

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Tsukishima POV

"All right, here's your check" A waiter says. "Thank you" y/n says. The waiter leaves, leaving us alone. "We kinda look like we're on a date right now" y/n said laughing like if it was a joke. "Is it then?" I ask. "I-well..." she stutters. "WOW look at the paycheck a lot of money, huh!" No answer huh. "I'll pay," I said. "Nah, it's fine I asked you out to eat" y/n protested. "Okay," I said, putting my hands behind my head. "HEYY not fair you were supposed to pay like a gentleman!" y/n exclaimed. "Welll you said 'nah it's fine!'" I said. I ended up paying somehow.

We go tinto her limo to go home, her driver kept staring me down. "So where do you live?" y/n asked. "To the building right next to yours." I said looking outside the window to avoid eye contact with her driver. "WHAATTT! Really?!" She yelled. Yes I saw you singing your heart out when you thought no one was watching. "Why do you think we bumped into each other this morning?!" I said with a 'tch' at the end. "Right, that makes sense. I lowkey forgot about this morning" she said. Lowkey? We got to our buildings, she waved and I waved back, and with that we both entered our buildings.


Wow that was fun, plus I got a FREE meal! I took a shower and got ready for bed. *Knock Knock* "Miss I found something" Seb said entering my room. "Oh let me see" I said. He showed me my Karasuno year book my 2nd year to be exact I wasn't there to get my 3rd year yearbook. "Oh, you can throw it away" I say as I turn the other way. "No one can do this and have memories, precious or not. Just look through it" He said leaving my room. Argh why not I guess. I pick up the book and go to the back where the signatures are...

'Call me ###-###-#### -Ashton'

Oh it was that one 3rd year that kept hitting on me. Let's see who else.

'I love you ⁽˙³˙⁾ -Dino'

Lol what kind of nickname is Dino I wonder who that was. Who else?

'Love you besty' -Lils

EWW germs. What else, why not look at people. Oh the volleyball team.

Kinoshita Hisashi

Narita Kazuhito

Ennoshita Chikara

Sugawara Koshi

Hinata Shōyō

Tsukishima Kei-

WAIT WHAT!! Memories start to flow black. Things you did with him, the things you said to him. And Lily, your ex-best friend, whom your boyfriend cheated on you with. No,no take them away. You start to cry and then fall asleep.

*Time Skip*

I wake up and get ready like nothing happened yesterday. Walking out into your limo you spot Tsukki waiting for his uber. You guys make eye contact. You were about to say 'hello' and wave but remember about the past so you just get into your limo and pretend like you didn't see him. When I get into the company I see a woman okay looking but she clearly thinks she's all that. Tsukki catches up to me and taps me on the shoulder. "Hey," Tsukki said. You look at him and then straightforward. "What's the matter with you in your period?" He said, trying to joke around. No it's not, it's next week according to my period tracker. I look straight forward and say "Nothing just remembered you were my ex and how you cheated on me with my friend."

Tsukishima POV

Oh so she didn't know who I was either. Wait not the point right now. "Oh" Is all I could say. "Yeah oh" Y/n said clearly pissed. "Wait you don't understand the full story-" I said. "What that you cheated on me, oh I understand fully. But don't worry I won't make another huge drama act" Y/n said. Someone then comes over between our conversation. "Tsukki bear hiiii" She said. We both freeze seeing the women in front of us. "What the hell are you doing here Lily?" I said with a serious tone. "Awww don't be like that teddy bear" Lily said getting all over me. Eww... not now I just got into y/n's life again. I push her off me, making her step back. "Awww don't be like that you liked it in highschool" Lily said still ignoring the fact that y/n is standing right next to me. "No I didn't and you know that" I said pissed. She realizes that another woman is right next to me and says "Who's this? I guess she's okay looking but not as attractive as me-" She got interrupted by a slap to the face by y/n. "Been wanting to do that for a while" Y/n said getting out hand sanitizer and putting some on her hand. Lily didn't take it too well and shouted "BRAT who do you think you are?!" "The second hand in this company building you are standing in." Lily froze with her mouth wide open and I smiled. B*tch got what she deserved. "Now security gets this woman off the premissi this instant and doesn't let her inside the building ever again. Understand?" Y/n said. Damn that's kinda hot. "Yes ma'am" said the security and grabbed Lily to escort her. "Wait, turn her around" Y/n said turning around herself they turned her around still trying to get out of the securities hold. "I hope you had fun Lily but now I run this show. Take her away" Y/n said, sounding like some sort of ruler which made her look hot. It suits her. "Now if you excuse me giraffe I have somewhere to be" y/n said leaving me there. I was just in shock like the other workers there. Can't wait to make her mine. But I really wish she knew the full story on me 'cheating'.


"Oh tsukki you really messed up this time" Lily said

"Oh f*ck off" I said

"Should I keep this secret? Or should I tell her?" Lily said trying to sound all cute which didn't work only y/n could pull that off.

"Do not tell her Lily" I said with a pissed tone

"Then how will you pay me to be quiet? Oh I have an idea!" She said getting all close to me.

"What the hell! That is so wrong there's no way i'm going to do this!" I exclaimed, pushing her off me.

"I guess I will have to tell her then," Lily said, shrugging and walking off. I grab her by the wrist and turn her around.

"Fine but for how long?" I ask worried

"For about a week maybe" She said like it was nothing

"WHAT! A week?!" I said

"Then i'll go tell her" She said

"No I can handle a week but I swear if I get caught it's the end of you" I said with a seriou tone.

"Oh I know you wanted me in the beginning I mean who would want y/n when they could have me" Lily said thinking she was all that. You could never compare to y/n not in a million years.

"Let's see why y/n shows up with hickeys some days" Lily said, closing the classroom door.

I'm so sorry y/n after this is over I promise I will explain everything. If I hadn't made the mistake would we still be together?


Author's note:

I need suggestions on what the 'mistake' tsukki did. I have no idea what mistake it could be I will as ask a few questions that I need you viewers to answer since this story is in your hands. Also we got new readers for south africa and united kingdom awesome! N E ways byeee

Author angie~

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