Chapter 8

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WARNING: This chapter has a bit of angst and abuse. This is sensitive to some viewers. Proceed with caution.

(Credits to artist again no watermark or sign so credits to them)


"So do we have a deal?" My father asked. This is so messed up. "Umm..." The bean-stalk said. Usually people would say 'yes' after they saw me. "I'll do the deal, but I don't want the girl." He said. "Well okay, but whenever you want her she will be available for you." My father said, smirking. He scoffed and walked out. Of course I had to walk out after him since I have to.

"You don't have to follow me. I said I didn't want you." Bean-pole said. "Well I sorta have to or else-.....nevermind" I said cutting myself off. "What's your name?" I asked, trying to make conversation. "If i answer this will you leave me alone?!"He said, still trying to walk away. "Um... well i guess." I said. "Tsukishima Kei," He said. That name sounds familiar but how? Maybe my dad talked about him one time.

Tsukishima POV

Jesus she's annoying. I get into the elevator trying to avoid her. I press the button to go down. "Well okay then, goodbye Tsukishima" She said smiling and waving. I froze in shock the way she said my magical. The doors started to close. Wait, wait, hold on, stay open. The doors closed. Sh*t.

*Time Skip*

Y/n POV *At home*

I hate myself. Why am I like this? I thought crying on my bed. *Knock Knock* I wiped my tears away. "Yes?" I said. "Is everything okay in there, miss?" Sebastian said. "Yeah I'm fine," I said. Lying is as easy as breathing for me now. "Okay then" Sebastian said leaving the door. I went to go and take a shower. Getting myself undressed I saw myself in the mirror, seeing all your bruises I hide. Mom please I need you, come back. Why did you have to leave. I thought, tearing up and falling to the ground touching a bruise.


"You b*tch, where did you get all this money!" He said yelling. He's drinking again.

"It's mine, I earned it working hard!" you said.

"Don't raise your voice and me!" He said smacking you across the face.

You were crying because it hurt so bad.

"Oh suck it up" He said, stuffing his pants with the money.

"I HOPE YOU ROT IN HELL!" You yelled instantly regretting it. Sh*t no please I said it without thinking. He took off his belt and started to wip you. You cried out, begging him to stop.

"PLEASE,DAD, STOP!" You yelled in pain, him hitting you in previous bruises.

"OWWWW please!!!STOP!!" You yelled. He stopped but only because he heard a knock. He made you answer it since it was your suite. Wiping your tears and trying hard not to limp and grabbing a robe to hide the bruises.

"Yes hello?" you said opening the door.

"Me and my husband heard screaming, is everything okay here?" The old woman asked.

"Oh yeah we're fine just watching a scary movie with a friend. That's why we were yelling I'm sorry we will try to be quiet." you said trying to make her leave.

"Oh okay then have a goodnight!"She said with a smile and walking away.

"Goodnight!" I said smiling and waving down the hall.

My father got his things and my money and pushed me out of the way to leave. But he turns around and I flinch.

"You got lucky this time you spoiled brat." He said, turning forward, continuing to walk.

*End of flashback* (If this has ever happened to you please tell someone but it's normal for your parents to hit you. But if they do it all the time and make you bleed please please tell someone for your safety.)

I get into the shower for 45 mins with boiling hot water. Stepping out I scream seeing a figure but not sure on who it was since it was all foggy.

"Y/n calm down it's just me, Sebastian." Seb said. Falling into his arms I say "Seb.....what's the meaning of life? Like why do we keep living?" He seemed surprised but replied "To make someone happy yourself, wife or husband, or your kids. But for me it's you." I smiled thinking about all of our adventures and memory's.


"This is your new butler, driver, and security." Father said, leaving me and a boy to talk.

"I may look young but I have what it takes miss." The boy said.

"How old are you?" I asked.

"17 turning 18 in 2 months" He said.

"You're young, I'm 13 turning 14 in 7 months," I said.

"So, what's your name? Just call me y/n no 'miss'"

"I'm Sebastian, and there's nothing I can do. I must call you miss." Sebastian said.

"I'll call you Seb instead," I said, nodding.

"Anything for you miss" Seb said

"Let's go to my room, we will freshen you up so you look proper. Then, you can be my prince when we have tea parties!" I said walking up the stairs.

"I'll do anything for you miss." Seb said walking up the stairs.

*End of flashback*

Sebastian POV

She fell asleep in my arms. I changed her respectfully of course. Once done I put her on her bed to sleep. Seeing and hearing her get hurt, hurts me but last time I got involved she told me not to and I respect her orders. "I'm so sorry this happened to you" I whispered caressing her face. "This isn't your fault seb, remember" she said with a sleepy voice and a little yawn. Adorable "Well goodnight, I love you." she said and i bet unaware of what she said. "I love you too," I replied. I love you more than you think I miss. I'll do anything for you.

*Time Skip*


I wake up on my bed. When did I get changed? Oh well. I grabbed my notebook and sat at my desk quickly finishing my book.(Not me doing this too) I hear music and start singing to it....

"It's not simple to say that most days I don't recognize me. These shoes and this apron. That place and it's patrons, It's more than I gave them. It's not easy to know I'm not anything, like I used to be all though. It's true I was never the attention sweet center, I still remember that girl, she's imperfect but she tries. She is good but she lies, she is hard on herself, she is broken and wont ask for help. She is messy but she's kind. She is lonely most of the time. She is all this mixed up and baked into a beautiful pie. She is gone but she used to be mine...." I sang tears flowing down my cheeks.

I quickly wiped my tears and got ready for my day. But you didn't notice a man watching you and listening to you in amazement.

Tsukishima POV

Wow did not see that coming. 


Author's Note:

Sorry for not posting school got me caught up. I posted a long chapter to make up and i will post another one soon so please be patient. Also i got a lot of views THANK YOU and readers from around the world THANK YOU. Have and amazing day!

Author angie~  

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