Chapter 12

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(Yeah for a scene it's going to look like to photo ignore the bunny costume tho)

Lily POV

Its been a week since y/n hasn't shown up for school. Did she commit su*c*de? No I don't think so, she would go that far ... right? 

"Watch were your going sl*t" said some 3rd year bumping into me making all of my books fall. I just pick up my things and walk it off, I get this type of treatment because of what I did to y/n. Since y/n has only been nice to everyone since she got here once people knew what happened between us there was war. Everyone vs me. Though I kinda deserve it I still hate y/n, worst of all I lost Tsukki too. 

*Present Time*

*Y/n POV*

"Arghh I hate this stupid work" I say laying my head on the desk. *Knock Knock* 

"Come in" I say lifting my head back up and pretending i'm working hard. 

"Hey" Tsukishima says.

"Oh hey its just you" I say laying my head on the desk again. 

"Hard time working?" He says. 

"Yeah, I still have a pile of paperwork to do" I say pointing at the pile of papers on the edge of my desk.

"Come and get some drinks with me" He says with a smirk.

"Yes but no I still have to do this" I say.

"I'll make someone else do it" He says coming closer to my desk.

"F*ck it, come on let's go" I say getting up from my seat and getting my coat.

"That's the spirit let's go" Tsukishima says.

*Time skip at the bar*

We enter this bar and it's filled with drunk men since its 1 in the moring. Eww men, nasty. We take our seats in the corner of the bar next to the pool table. A waiter comes by and asks what me want.

"I'll have a Martini" says Tsukishima.

"I'll have a Margarita" I say. The waiter then walks away to get our drinks ready.

"Wow how boring a Margarita?" Tsukishima says taking off his coat.

"Yes a Margarita, and who the hell orders a Martini?" I say also taking off my coat.

"I do and? Anyways wanna play pool while we wait?" Tsukishima asks staring at the pool table.

"I mean sure why not" I say getting up and walking to the pool table. Tsukishima gets up and picks his cue stick from the ones hanging on the wall. I also pick one but since I don't know how to play I get a random one. 

"Your going to play with that?" He asks.

"Um yeah why?" I say looking at the cue stick I picked.

"Because that one won't properly fit your hands" He says reaching for a smaller one and handing it to me and I grab it.

"Oh yeah I knew what. Now let's play!" I said pretending I know what I'm doing. We drink a few drinks and play a few rounds, of course me not doing to well since I have no idea what i'm doing. I can tell Tsukishima is getting pissed by it.

"Here let me help you" Tsukishima says leaving is stick on the pool table and walking towards me. He gets behind me puts his hands on top of mine so he can also hold my stick. I freeze while also trying to hide my blushing face. 

"This is how you should do it" He says whispering it in my ear and hitting the white ball which bumped into the 4 ball and went into the hole. But my focus wasn't on that, it was on the point that he's still grabbing my hands and he whispered in my ear. Calm down y/n , it's the drinks that is making you feel this way. That's all. 

It's 3 in the morning we've been here for about 2 hours drinking. More like I'm the one drinking, I mean he's paying so why not go wild. 

"HeYy tSuK wAnNa gO tO tHe pArK?" I say completely drunk.

"Ew no not with you like this. Okay where leaving we have to get you home." Tsukishima says asking for a waiter for the bill.

"nOoO I wAnNa StAy" I say throwing a fit while hiccuping. He ended up dragging me to an Uber with him and took us home. For some reason though Sebastian wasn't there to pick me up. Even if I stayed super late he would always wait. We get to our buildings and get ready to head inside.

"hEy tSuK" I say still hiccuping.

"Yes y/n?" He says grabbing onto me since im still a drunk mess.

"cAn I StAy aT yOuR plAcE? PwEaSe..." I say lifting my head up to him.

"Fine" He says. We walk into suite and I instantly fall on his coach.

"Come on let's go to my room, you can sleep there." He says lifting me up. "Eww you smell like sh*t" He says while carrying me.

"THanK yOu iTs A nEw pErfUmE" I say thinking he meant my new Simon Clain perfume. He took me to his room and dropped me on his bed. 

"You can sleep here and here are some clothes you should change into." Tsukishima says handing me a hoodie and some shorts.

"ThAnkS" I say and I start to take of my shirt.

"WAIT! I'm still here!" Tsukishima says turning around hiding his blush with his hand. "Okay now continue"

After im done getting all dressed I sat down on the edge of his bed. 

"Hey Tsuk..." I say.

"Yeah?" He says turning around and sitting next to me.

"I remember everything, from what we were to what you did to me" I said playing with his hoodie.

"Oh.. listen it wasn't what you think-" He was saying until I interrupted him with a kiss he kissed me back. I pulled away.

"I don't know why you cheated on me. But was it because I wasn't good enough?" I say staring at his honey eyes.

"You were the best thing in my life y/n" He says pushing some hair out of my face. I kiss him again. I was out of control, was it because of the drinks? Or was this something I've wanted to do? We start to passionately kiss each other his hands cupping my face while I play with his hair. Is this okay? Should I stop? I mean i'm enjoying it but what if he isn't? F*ck It. I get onto his lap still kissing him rubbing myself on him. 

"Oh you naughty girl, time for your punishment." Tsukishima says picking me up and pinning me on the bed. Smirking he says "Happy....Pipsqueak"


Author's Note:

EWWWWWW i'm cringing at my own book. Lol now you have to wait for that smut you unholy people. Sorry if there's mistakes I will be posting the next one either today ( Nov 8) or tomorrow (Nov 9). Also if you have any requests comment them . Well have a nice day!

Author angie~

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