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"You. It's all your fault!"

Lee Hyein stared wide-eyed at the man who had accused her of a crime she didn't commit. He was boiling in red hot fury. Quite literally as Hyein could almost see the fumes steaming from his ears. Too stunned to respond, she stood still.

"You did it on purpose, didn't you?"

The man waved a stack of papers in front of her face with the darkest of glares. If looks could kill...

"I-I don't know what you are talking about, mister." She feebly stuttered out.

"Hah! Playing the innocent game, are you?" He scoffed.

Hyein was speechless. She really didn't have a clue what the guy was talking about. Nor did she know who he was. Hell, she couldn't even remember when they met!

"You exchanged the papers, didn't you?" He yelled, his volume so high that it echoed throughout the giant building. Many of her co-workers stopped in their tracks, watching the drama that was gradually unfolding in their workplace as they whispered among themselves. 

Now that he had mentioned the papers, Hyein did vaguely remember something. He was the guy she had accidentally crashed into this morning as she rushed to her boss.

Hyein was just an intern at Ethereal. Co. The luxury fashion company had been in business for relatively few years but had risen in fame and now had branches all over the world. Hyein was still fairly new to the renowned company, interning there for the past one and a half months and though the work was quite boring, they paid her well for an intern job. So she was determined to keep the job and quickly get herself promoted. Imagine the riches she could rake if she could hold out longer? Ah, the joy! But being an ideal worker was not as easy as she had thought.

Hyein had an annoying habit of snoozing her alarms to get that last five minutes of sleep. So it wasn't a surprise that she missed it today and had woken up super late. The irresponsible intern had to then run all the way to the bus stop and into the building, carrying a stack of work papers she had printed out for work in her hands.

It was then that she had crashed into the man, causing the papers to fly out of her hands and scatter all over the floor. The guy was also carrying a few papers with him which she had graciously knocked over to the ground. Quickly mumbling a cry of apology, she had gathered up her papers and ran away from there, not daring to look back at the guy she had inconvenienced. Now, it had to come to bite her in the back.

"Look! Now you've actually ruined my speech and embarrassed me in front of the whole damn people!" He shouted getting so into her face. Hyein winced.

"I'm sorry sir. I think there's a misunderstanding. I didn't really mean to switch the papers. It was an accident." She tried to explain, trying her best to stay calm.

"As if! Do you think it will work on me? You think I'm stupid enough to believe that?" The guy jeered, quirking an eyebrow at her and she felt her temper flare. Hyein breathed in.

"I really didn't do it on purpose, sir. It was just an accident." She explained again with a strained smile but the guy didn't show any sign of backing off. He was hell-bent on getting her to confess. She clenched her fists. Breathe Hyein, you can do this. Think about money. Think about fame.

"You think you can get away with it? Tell me, who do you work for?" The man demanded.

"I don't' work for any-"

"Tell me. Now." He cut her off.

Oh boy... This guy was really pushing her limits. If he didn't back of now, she would soon lose her cool. No, Hyein. Don't lose your self-control. 

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