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Jeon Jungkook stood tall before Hyein as she gawked back at him, startled.

"Ms. Hyein Lee.  Am I right?" Jungkook asked in a tone that was warm and polite but had the slightest hint of ice that was enough to chill her bones.

"Y-yes, you are right, but how did you know my name?" Hyein asked, finally regaining her composure.

"I've heard from my employees about you." He replied, "And first of all, let me apologize for the way I behaved last time we met." It took her a few seconds to recall what had happened. Of course, he had ignored them. Then why the sudden interest. Something about her dubiety must have shown up on her face as Jungkook suddenly replied, "I just wanted to talk to you. Alone. Both of us." He said gesturing towards himself and her with his thumb.

"Um," Hyein forced her face into a polite smile, "Why don't we just...talk here." Hyein can be stupid but she wasn't dumb enough to be left alone with Jeon Jungkook.

"Heh!" Jungkook scoffed. No, it wasn't a scoff. It was a laugh. Cold, humorless laugh. "Sure, if you insist. I just wanted to check something, it won't take long." He assured, but something in his voice left an unsettling feeling in her gut.

"Why did you do it?" He asked. Hyein blinked back, her expression blank as she asked, "What?"

"You and Taehyung, what are you planning to do? He should know such petty tricks won't work on me."

To say Hyein was confused would be the grossest understatement ever in history. "I.....don't know what you're talking about, Mr. Jeon Jungkook."

Jungkook didn't seem to buy it as his eyes swept over her whole being and involuntarily Hyein's hands went up, folding over her chest defensively as she stared back with equal ferocity. He was trying to intimidate her. She knew it. Still, Hyein gulped from nervousness. She was a little bit scared.

"Either you are telling the truth or you are a skilled liar," Jungkook concluded softly, the menace in his eyes shining evilly. Suddenly, as if a switch was flipped on, Jungkook's entire demeanor changed as a polite smile lit upon his face. All the while, Hyein stared back at the latter confused and a little scared, like a lost lamb. The guy was highly intimidating. Even Taehyung couldn't intimidate her and it was saying something. There was something in his whole attitude that just screamed danger and caution that gave her the chills.

He lifted one of his hands, placed it on her shoulders, and gave her a gentle pat, nodding his head, "I'll see you around then." He then walked away leaving Hyein but then he suddenly turned, "Oh, and your phone's been lighting up for some time." He indicated gesturing towards the object she clutched in her hands.

"Ah, well.." He didn't wait for her to complete before he strode away, hands in his pockets whistling a tune to a classical piece Hyein had heard somewhere. He is suspicious...

Hyein thought to herself as she diverted her attention back to her phone which had over 20 messages from Arrogant Jacka**.

Arrogant Jacka**

It was another trap!
The room at the end of the hallway.
Come quick!


Pick up the phone.


Help me

"Help me?"

Something was wrong. Something was not right.

Hyein pressed the call button and phone rang. It kept ringing but there was no answer.

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