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Kim Taehyung sat on the plush sofa of his office, a victorious smile playing on his lips as he scrutinized his new secretary who looked as if she wanted nothing but to dig a hole in and die. To be honest, Taehyung was quite enjoying himself watching her conflicted state of mind as she read through her updated contract. Well, he had every right to do so.

The girl had not only mixed up his papers for the introduction speech yesterday but also dared slap him. She humiliated him in front of all his future employees. How dare she? 

He was the future heir of Ethereal. The one who was going to own them all as soon as the current chairman steps down from his power. Still, she had dared disgrace him when she was merely an intern at his company. She was not even that old but the venom in her words and the commanding stance she had taken against him yesterday was beyond her age. Utterly unacceptable! If she thought she could get away with it, she thought wrong. Taehyung was always strict about paying back his debts and he had a critical one with Hyein. Oh, how I'm going to ruin your life...

Hyein didn't foresee this unexpected turn of events. Though she hated the guy's guts now more than anything in the world, he was the chairman's son and she had slapped him. Oh God, could life get any more complicated than hers? And he was sitting over there, grinning from ear to ear as he watched her every movement. Not a good sign.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked, looking back at him, "I mean, surely you are not doing this out of the kindness of your heart."

"Absolutely not." He confirmed, feigning offense.

"Then why?"

"Why don't you take a guess?" He asked, lips tugging up in an arrogant smirk.


"Bingo!" Taehyung applauded with fake enthusiasm, smiling wide and Hyein scowled.

"You know, I never thought you were that petty." A dangerous move on her part. Taehyung leaned back on his sofa, the victorious smirk stretching far and wide.

"Oh, you haven't seen half of it, love."

Hyein now wanted to slap him again and wipe that smirk out of his face instead she resorted to asking the question she had wanted to ask. "And what if I refuse?"

Taehyung lifted his brow as if he dared her to do it, his smile suddenly turning serious, "You'll be fired. It won't be hard considering what you did yesterday."

Hyein was expecting it but still hearing it from him made the matter all the more real and she felt a distinct sinking feeling in her stomach.

"Oh, and I'll also make sure that you won't find a job in this industry. Ever. Again." Taehyung added nonchalantly, his eyes gouging out her reaction. 

Hyein's eyes flashed and she fixed him with the deadliest of scowls. Although Taehyung couldn't say that he wasn't entirely affected by the cold piercing glare of his new secretary, he just smiled back at her, his face the epitome of innocence, fueling her anger even more.

"You know what? Fine." She replied, aggressively scribbling her signature on the contract and slamming it shut.

So you want to play, huh?

Then let's play.

But I'll make sure that I'll be the one who wins the game.


(Turn on the media for an immersive reading experience.)

"Bring me that file from over there."

"No, not that one. The one on the right."

"The bottom one, Secretary Lee."

"Not the blue, the red."

"You know what? Never mind, just bring me the blue one."

Hyein slammed the file onto his desk forcefully as she gritted out from between her teeth, "Anything else, Mr.Kim?"

"Well actually--" She cut him off before he could spew out any more orders.

"You are welcome. I'll be taking my leave now."

It was Hyein's day one as his new secretary and he was already finding ways to annoy the hell out of her. She had been peacefully sleeping on her bed that morning when her phone blasted the ringtone in full volume at the break of dawn. It was that jerk.

"In my office. Now." Was his exact words and then he had hung up on her. That arrogant son of a-

So she had arrived at his office puffing and panting at exactly 6:00 clock and he wasn't even there. Instead, she just received a text message from him telling her to clean up his office room. There shouldn't be even a speck of dust in my room! He had said. The said office room was twice the size of her bedroom and every inch of the room was decorated with antiques and collectibles. What am I? His slave?

She might as well be. It took her more than two hours to make the room spotless and by the time she was done, Taehyung had leisurely strolled down the hallway, later than anyone else, a superior smile on his face as the employees he met greeted him fearfully which he didn't even return. Often a few of his female workers would stop in their tracks and whisper among themselves, giggling like schoolgirls. Some were bold enough to send flirtatious winks his way. 

Taehyung had to admit he quite enjoyed them. He was a handsome lad, alright? His mere ability to charm anyone with his boyish smile was astounding. The first time Hyein had seen it, she was flabbergasted. Was that even the same guy? But his overbearing smile would be back at its place as soon as his eyes met Hyein and that was all the confirmation she needed. 

So there she was, fumbling at her desk to organize the schedule for his highness as she dreaded his next call.

Truth be told, the work life was interesting. There was a lot of family drama going on in the company and now that Hyein had enough authority and access to such data, life was great. For example, she had learned that Taehyung's father had two other sons, competing for Taehyung's position as the heir of the company. The eldest, Park Jimin, and the youngest Jeon Jungkook. Taehyung was right smack in the middle. She yearned to catch a glimpse of his brothers at the building since they all seemed to be interesting personalities. Especially, the name Park Jimin brought very diverse and amusing reactions from her female co-workers. Besides, any rival of Kim Taehyung would be an automatic friend of hers.

The telephone on her desk crackled to life.

"Secretary Lee. Report to my office, quick."

Ah, there it was. The call of doom.

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