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It wasn't Hyein's day today.

Considering the manual labor she had done the other night, she should have at least asked for a day off, but here she was, at the office, muttering profanities under her breath as she sorted His Highness's schedules. At least he had the decency to look abashed at his behavior. But that doesn't mean he could avoid her all day and give tenfold more workload just to get her out of his sight. That was just plain stupidity and cowardice.

If she helped him yesterday, the least he could do was to give her a pay rise or a few days off, or even a reduced workload. But this absolute ungrateful son of a chairman didn't even say a simple sorry or thank you and ignored her the whole day. One or two times she had caught him watching her through the window but as soon she had seen him, he quickly shut off the blinds. Coward.

Hyein did try to catch him alone, just to give him a piece of her mind but he won't allow her inside the office and if he ever went out, he would run away at the sound of her heels. She was not going to lie, it was kind of entertaining to watch him cower at the mere sound of her footsteps.  Let's see how long he's gonna run.

Hyein's face formed into an evil grin at the thought. Oh, he is so dead.


That evening, luck was on Hyein's side. Taehyung was usually driven back home by her and he couldn't avoid the inevitable. The whole ride Taehyung had sat in the passenger seat, fidgeting nervously, making sure not to make any eye-contact at all. Hyein smirked as she planned her revenge. She let him enjoy the last few minutes of peace before he had to face the inevitable doom. After all, revenge was a dish best served cold.

As Hyein drove the car smirking much to his horror, the car broke down more than halfway down the road.

"What happened? Why isn't it moving?" Taehyung asked, alarmed.

"It might have run out of battery," Hyein replied, casually pulling open the door. When she looked back, Taehyung was still in his seat contemplating whether or not to get out. She walked up to his side and yanked open the door. "The car's not gonna move, Your Majesty. You have to walk."

He sheepishly got out of the car, looking everywhere except Hyein as he tried to form his words, "What about the car?"

"I'll get it towed for you, don't worry."  
Luckily, they had almost reached the residential area where he lived and it was just walking distance from his home. Taehyung had his hands in his pocket, his gaze trained straight forward as he walked towards their home. The sky was gradually darkening. He had called the day off earlier than usual. There was enough light, thanks to that, to walk back home. Meanwhile, Hyein was walking by the side, slowly plotting her revenge as she walked in the front, Taehyung behind her obviously putting in conscious effort to remain there so that he wouldn't have to face her. She was aware of what he was doing, and that was why she was puzzled when he suddenly fell in step with her and leaned towards her side.

Taehyung inched towards her and whispered, "We have a tail. 6 O'clock."

At his command Hyein subtly looked towards her sides, eyes scanning the rear and sure enough, there was a figure clad in black clothes, sneakily darting through the shadows following them.

"Go ahead." Taehyung looked startled at her order.

He pondered over the command, silently eyeing her doubtfully before he gave in. "Don't do anything dangerous." He said, still not convinced at whatever she was planning, his voice grave with an undertone of worry that was almost undetectable but still there. She nodded her head as she mouthed, "Trust me."

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