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Back in her cozy old apartment Hyein jumped around in her living room. Her phone lay abandoned on the couch and a message from Hoseok left open.

I'm coming to the city today.

It was the weekend and she could finally catch a break from her secretarial duties and the family drama going on between the Kim brothers. Hoseok was going to come and she was super excited about it. Throwing on a coat that she found on the nearest sofa, Hyein headed out to the bus stop where she would be receiving her best friend. It had been months since they had last met. Hoseok had moved back into his hometown after graduation the only way she could keep in touch with him was through phone calls and text messages. Hyein had missed him. She missed his sunny smiles, graceful dances, and their own quirky little gestures which only they knew the meaning of.

A few minutes later a bus came to halt in front of the Stop and out jumped a laughing, auburn-haired Hoseok from the bus and Hyein quickly ran up to him enveloping him in a hug. Jumping around together, much to the annoyance of the passersby Hyein greeted him with delightful giggles. When the initial excitement of the meeting had died down, Hyein and Hoseok had decided to go to the nearby Starbucks and catch up on some stuff.

At the coffee shop, Hoseok sipped on his Iced-Americano, with a thoughtful look on his face. Hyein had just finished narrating the story of her promotion and he seemed to have taken a peculiar interest in the whereabouts of her boss.

"So he hired you to take revenge? Dude, it almost feels like a kdrama!"

Hyein snorted. "Well, he does annoy me from time to time, but I think, mostly he just wanted to clear up his name in the office. Like be the all-forgiving, kind-hearted future heir, you know what I mean?"

Hoseok whistled as he nodded his head, his auburn locks bouncing up and down, "I understand what you are saying but I don't know man. Hiring you as a secretary, saying that it was for revenge... I don't know, sounds kind of stupid." Hoseok commented.

"He is stupid." Hyein corrected with a small smile that had her dimples playing at the corners of her mouth, as she mischievously quirked a brow. That made Hoseok burst out laughing and soon Hyein joined in. It was nice. She had missed it. It brought back memories of her old carefree days, where she roamed around the university hallways with Hoseok, happily chatting away about their days.

"Secretary Lee?"

A surprised yet familiar voice called out, snapping her back to attention. It must be the instinct that had made her immediately straighten her spine as she masked her face with the normal poker face she wore around him. She slowly turned back dreading the sight that awaited her. Taehyung stood by the door, holding his coffee in his hand.

"M-Mr. Kim? W-why are you here?" Hyein smiled awkwardly, looking in his direction as she prayed to almighty that he hadn't heard the conversation she had with Hoseok.

"I-I came to get a Starbucks and I saw you..." Taehyung tailed off as his eyes trailed past Hyein, to the man that sat beside her taking in on the scene with humored eyes. Hyein fidgeted in her seat, not sure how to handle the situation. It was awfully awkward than she would expect and she didn't know why. But most importantly, Hyein didn't know Taehyung liked Starbucks. As far she knew, he never drank them. It was one of his habits she had picked up on the way. The situation was getting more and more awkward and Hyein felt like she had to do something. Was there a polite way to ask someone if they could go away?

"Would you like to join us?" Hyein whipped her head around to Hoseok, aggressively hinting at him to take back the offer at once. Hoseok ignored her as he fixed Taehyung with a stare, smiling his trademark smile. Before she could do anything, Taehyung had nodded his head and almost immediately taken a seat beside Hyein.

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