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Hyein walked down the lane. It was one of the poorer sides of the society and the place was closely packed with little apartment units. Children ran around in circles nearby and some of the passersby who Hyein happened to meet gave her a weird look. Hyein knew she didn't belong there. Her fairly well-tailored clothes probably stood out among the poorer crowd.

Hyein clenched the straps of her bag as she walked onwards. The house she was looking for must be somewhere around here.

Suddenly, without a warning, fat drops of water dropped down from the sky, gradually intensifying by each minute. She had to find a shelter quickly, or else she would be soaked to her bones in the rain. Where was the house? She narrowed her eyes searching through the mist and rain as her clothes drooped weighed down by the moisture and clung to her chest. Thank god they were thick enough not to get see-through but still, she was cold and if she were out there any longer she'd probably catch a frostbite. Teeth chattering, Hyein hugged herself as she found solace in a tiny tree branch against the harsh onslaught of rain. It wasn't doing much but that was all she could do at that moment.


A familiar voice called her and Hyein looked up. Cleaner Ahjussi? The elderly man ran towards her, feet trudging through the puddles, holding up a bent umbrella. "Get in here, child. What are you doing out here?"

"i-i-I w-w-was runnin-g some errands," Hyein managed to say as her teeth chattered from the cold. Mansik sighed, "This won't do. Come, I'll take you to my house. It's nearby." He said, and Hyein could only smile back, gratefully. He led the way and she followed, hugging herself to keep out the cold and soon they reached his home.

Mansik's home was small yet comfortable, and warm just like his personality. Hyein stepped in and she smiled gratefully as she didn't have to face the cold harsh rain anymore. Mansik instructed her to take a seat on his couch as he went inside to find some towels. Soon he came back with one and handed it to her which she gratefully accepted with a bow. She was too wet and she didn't want to damage his couch so Hyein stood up from her seat as she covered herself in the blanket. Despite Mansik's insistence, Hyein said it was fine.

"Don't be like that Hyeinah. You'll catch a cold like that." He stated, worried.

"I'm fine, really. And thank you so much."

"Hmm, I'll make you something warm to drink." The Ahjussi left mumbling to himself about tea bags and kettle and Hyein smiled. It was warm and her shivers subsided slowly. As she waited in the living room, she looked around. It was a little cramped with everything he owned squished together in that tiny space, but it was nice and humble. As she looked around, her eyes landed on one of the pictures that hung on the wall. There were several pictures of him with a woman and a child, she concluded to be his family. There were other photos of his family on the walls when a particular photo caught her eyes. Hyein squinted her eyes. There was a photo of the Ahjussi with another man standing in front of a building. A building Hyein was familiar with. Although it didn't look the same now, Hyein was sure it was the same building. 


"Hyeinah," Mansik spoke from behind and Hyein turned around a little surprised. He held out the cup of steaming hot liquid. Hyein carefully took the drink from him , thanking him before she pointed towards the picture."You used to work at Ethereal?"

"Ah, that was a long time ago," Mansik said with a wave of his hand.

"Aah," Hyein nodded, smiling politely.

It was getting late. Taehyung was at the company tending to some of his important guests. He would probably want to know where his secretary went in the meantime. Hyein fished out her phone and sent him a message. After sending her message, she took a sip of the tea. It was sweet and aromatic. Hyein informed the elder man thus and he smiled back at her compliment.
"I'll go tend to some things. You can wait here till the rain stops." The Ahjussi excused himself as he went back inside the kitchen. Hyein further went back to explore his living room while still being respectful enough not to be too nosy. She walked back, watching over the little space with so much stuff. She wondered how he managed to fit them all into the tiny space.
Hyein yawned suddenly. The warmth and coziness of the blanket were making her feel a little sleepy. Mansik was really neat and tidy. although the apartment was old, it was fairly habitable. She was admiring the view when she felt something against her feet. She looked down to find a cardboard box kept under the couch, well out of sight. Hyein would have probably ignored it had it not been for the familiar-looking purple glint of glass.

(Turn on the media for immersive reading.)

She bent down and grabbed a bottle from there. Her eyes widened as she observed it. 

It was an Ethereal. Co. perfume bottle. 

The one from ten years ago. The same one Taehyung had received in a package. Hyein took the bottle, the glass cold against her skin.

Why is this here?

Hyein suddenly felt a presence beside her and she looked up to see Mansik towering over her. He didn't look too pleased.

"Don't touch those Hyein-ah~" He said, his voice deadly calm. Hyein tried to smile but it didn't stay. "W-why do you have these, Ahjussi?"

"I used to work there Hyeinah... Of course, I would have those." He was too calm and the tension that hung in the air was almost palpable. Hyein had difficulty believing that, but what creeped her out, even more, was his stare. He was staring at her grave, waiting. As if he was expecting something to happen. Hyein gulped as she placed the bottle back in the box and her fingers brushed against something.


Similar to the one Taehyung and Jungkook had received. She gasped as she looked up. By now he must know that Hyein had found out and that his cover was blown but he was calm. He was eerily still and quiet as he stared back at her.

And her sleepiness took over. No, it wasn't sleepiness she felt from being in the warmth. She was drugged. The teacup she held in her hands fell and shattered on the ground and she felt herself losing the grip on reality as her eyes fell shut.

Hyein hit the floor.

A/n: The culprit!!! Did you expect that?

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A/n: The culprit!!! Did you expect that?

A/n: The culprit!!! Did you expect that?

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