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Taehyung was on his way home from the hospital.

After a simple blood test, the doctor had confirmed that he was alright and instructed him to come back if he found any other symptoms. Taehyung sighed. He didn't know why he was doing that. Normally, he wouldn't care, but that day he did. But why?

Taehyung looked outside the window just in time as his driver slowed the car to a stop near his Apartment. Briefly bowing to the driver, he exited the car. Only when the car had driven away did he notice something strange.

Taehyung never bowed. He never did unless it was for business. Now that he thought about it, he even remembered greeting the driver and the doctor. He had done it almost reflexively as if it were a habit and for some unknown reason, he liked it.

His secretary must be rubbing off on him.

Speak of the devil.

Hyein came running down the stairs and Taehyung almost thought that she was going to tackle him into a hug. Almost. However, Hyein came to an abrupt halt just as she reached him and heaved an immense sigh of relief. That made him smile.

"I am fine. The doctor said, there was nothing wrong with me."

"No, that's not- look." Hyein held out a piece of paper that looked like a newspaper clipping to him. Confused, he plucked the partially crumpled piece of paper out of her hand and read it. It was just an Obituary, but what surprised him was the picture on the note. It was his.


Kim Taehyung passed away unexpectedly this week on September XX, 2020, due to an accident for which the reason remains unknown. Taehyung was the son of Kim Sanghoon, the present Chairman of the renowned Ethereal.co.

Taehyung couldn't read on anymore. It was obvious what it had meant. It was a threat revealing that he would die this month. What made it even worse was the fact that there were only five days left before October 1.

"It was in the car when I went back. Mr.Kim, this is getting dangerous. Are you sure you don't want the police to get involved?" Hyein asked, almost begging with her eyes to say no. That he wanted to report this to the police. But she didn't know the complication he would then have to face. It could even delay the board meeting where he would be announced the successor.

"What about what I told you to do? Did you find something?"

Hyein shook her head. "It's not Jimin or Jungkook. They were also attacked by the Stalker."


"His target is the three of you. I don't know why. But please, be safe." 

Be safe. It wasn't something that he had expected to hear from Hyein. Nevertheless, Taehyung found himself nodding, half surprised at her. "A-alright."

"Let's get you inside, shall we?" Hyein was saying as she guided him inside. Taehyung could see that there was a lot going on in her mind. Orelse she wouldn't have said that. She seemed even more gentle and it was making him uncomfortable. He wanted the old Hyein back. The one who looked up on him with dare, always ready to fight back. It was all because of that Stalker or X man, as Hyein had called. If only he knew who it was.


She was biting down on her nail as she scrolled through the Tablet in her hands, while her mind was preoccupied with thoughts and she looked up at the mention of her name. She didn't even bother protesting against calling her real name. "Yes?"

Taehyung didn't know what to say. He didn't even know why he called her. He just wanted to break the silence. The tension that hung in the air was suffocating. Taehyung made an attempt at a smile as he said, "I'll be fine."

Hyein smiled back feebly nodding her head. "I know."

It felt as if it were a promise as her eyes shined with something fierce. Taehyung breathed out a sigh, worried. The problem was getting worse. He was going to die within 5 days and the killer wasn't someone to be taken heedlessly. He was dangerous. More dangerous than he had ever imagined and he was coming.

Silence hung in the air.

Silence hung in the air

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