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"HOBI! CODE RED! CODE RED!" Hyein shouted as she burst in through her apartment door, hopping on a leg as she quickly removed her heels and threw them aside. Hoseok was on the couch, watching a movie munching on his popcorn when he saw Hyein jumping around. Her aggressiveness was making him anxious. "What Hye? Is it the time of your-"

"NO! This is much, much worse!" Hyein replied as she ran up to Hoseok and threw herself onto the couch ready to spill the beans. Hoseok turned serious. Things were real. Hyein took a deep breath before speaking, "KIM FREAKING TAEHYUNG JUST ASKED ME OUT."

Hoseok's face broke into a mischievous smile and he burst out laughing. "Ahaha... I knew it!" He coughed out between his laughter, "Didn't I tell you this would happen?"

Hyein sank back into her couch. "I know Hobi, but this is- this is real!"

"Oh come on. You knew this was gonna happen." Hoseok replied. Hyein pouted.

"Yes... I knew, but I never really thought it would actually happen. It feels too real." Hyein looked around worried and confused. It was too real. She didn't know what to do.

"Okay, stop freaking out. Calm down and think about what you want to do." He instructed but Hyein couldn't calm down.

"I-I can't. I'm freaking out."

"Count from 1 to 10," Hobi replied patiently and Hyein did as she was told.


"Did you calm down?" He asked and she nodded.

"A little bit."

"Okay, now think what you want and decide. It's up to you. So don't worry. Whatever decision you make, it's your choice. And you should tell him that soon."

Hyein whipped her head around to face him, "I can't te-"

Hoseok cut her off.

"You should tell him Hyein. Whatever you do, never lead him on."

Hyein pondered over it. Hobi was right. She had to make a decision and tell him. As soon as possible.


Taehyung turned around in his swivel chair as he read the files on his tablet. Briefly, he glanced at the clock. She should be here. Any minute.

Taehyung waited as he read the files, actually, he wasn't even reading them. He was only pretending to do so. The truth was, he was nervous. The confession had kind of slipped out of his mouth yesterday at the spur of the moment. He wasn't really thinking straight. Now that he thought about it, his anxiety was building up bit by bit each second and Taehyung couldn't focus on anything at hand. Argh! I shouldn't have confessed that fast.

Hyein was getting late and Taehyung panicked. What if she didn't feel the same way? What if she rejects him? Can they still be the same way as they were before?

No. It would be extremely awkward and uncomfortable. Taehyung gasped. What if she quits her job? What if that was the reason she was being late?

Oh, no... Taehyung had really messed up. He shouldn't have gone onto her like that. They were only beginning to build up their friendship. It hasn't even been that long. It had only been 5 - 6 months. 6 months! That's too short...

The door slammed open, startling Taehyung from his thought and Hyein stomped inside like a raging bull. Face flushed in... anger? She was scowling. That must mean she was definitely angry. That was not a good sign.

"I have made a decision," Hyein announced sternly and Taehyung looked up internally panicking.

"I have come to tell you that." She stated. Her fists were clenched and Taehyung really didn't like where this was going. "Y-you don't have to tell me now..." Taehyung trailed miserably.

At least she could have thought about it for some more time.

All his hopes were draining by each second as Hyein went on, "No, I have to tell you now. Hoseok told me not to lead you on."

Oh ... I knew it. Hoseok was not just a friend, huh?

"My answer is..." Hyein closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath. So did Taehyung. He didn't want to hear. It will... It will hurt.


She didn't have to be that blunt. At least she could have consoled me- Wait, Yes?

Taehyung opened his eyes, not believing his ears but Hyein had already vanished. All that he saw was the tail ends of her coat fluttering as she went outside slamming the door, and Taehyung watched through the window as she ran away, heels slapping wildly against the floor.

oh.....Oh... She was just embarrassed.

Taehyung snorted loudly as she did a mental replay of Hyein running out the door and burst into a fit of giggles, laughing out loud.

His laughter resonated through the room.

A/n: Woohoo!!! There's just one more chapter

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A/n: Woohoo!!! There's just one more chapter. And I swear that's the end. 

P.S: That artist in the video above Is SO TALENTED.

S: That artist in the video above Is SO TALENTED

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Thank you for reading this far!! 

Thank you for reading this far!! 

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