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A moment of silence descended over the building. 

The person who had oh-so-graciously shut up after her stinging slap, stared back dumbstruck at her audacity as he nursed the side of his face. Hyein's hand stung from the impact and she stood there stunned at the scene. Oh god, what have I done?! 

Hyein didn't plan on hitting him for his rudeness but upon hearing his brash command, her hand, kind of, acted on its own.

"Y-you! Do you know who I am?"

"I don't and I don't care. Just because I'm an intern doesn't mean you can walk all over me. I made a mistake, I admitted that and I apologized for it. Does that give you the right to keep accusing me of something that I have not done and disrespecting me in front of all these people? And it isn't my fault that you don't check what you are reading at a damn speech! So stop yelling at me about some damn paper!"

The silence that followed was even frighteningly ominous. Hyein knew what she had done and she was terrifyingly aware of what was going to happen. However, she didn't wait for a reply as she pulled on her coat and walked out of the building leaving the guy she had slapped to stare after her in disbelief.

Hyein was sure she'll have to face the consequences sooner or later. A part of her wondered what would happen, but she sure didn't wait around to find out. Breathing heavily she walked off towards the nearest bus stop closing her eyes as the afternoon sun shined down on her.



"Okay, okay, calm down, calm down my daughter. You need to stop crying and tell me what happened." The voice of her concerned friend crackled on her phone.

"Hoseokie... I'm going to be jobless!" Hyein cried, clutching her phone in one hand as she held a half-melted tub of ice cream in the other. Her face was a mess with her mascara running down her cheeks and covered in snot. A huge pile of tissues lay on the side of her sofa.

"Wait, WHAT? You got fired?!"

"I didn't but tomorrow I will." She bawled out wiping her nose. 

Hoseok, her best friend, remained confused so she proceeded to narrate the story of what happened. 

Hoseok and Hyein had met at university. He was her classmate at that time and being the diligent and kind student she was, she had one day helped him with a late assignment. Suffice to say, Hoseok never left her side after that incident. The over-zealous extrovert had quickly adopted a reserved Hyein into his friend group and was constantly by her side, always smiling and laughing. Hyein warmed up to him soon and the rest was history.

By the time she had finished her story, loud snorts that suspiciously sounded like laughter erupted from the other end of the call.

"Are you laughing?" Hyein asked pitifully, her voice cracking.

"Bahaha! Girl, why the hell are you crying? You did the right thing!" He exclaimed.

"But Hobi, they are gonna fire me! I slapped a worker who is a few ranks higher than me!" She cried.

"Listen here, Hye. It was not your fault that the papers got mixed up. It was just an accident. You tried to tell him that and you even apologized but he didn't listen to you. So what you did was the right thing to do and if they are going to fire you for standing up for yourself, then they don't deserve you Hyein. You'll surely find a job that'll treat you better."

Hyein dissolved into another fit of tears at his words.

"Hoseokie!" She cried, "This is why you are the best. I love you!"

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