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The next morning Hyein reached Taehyung's Apartment (can you even call it that?) early. 

His apartment was closer to her home than she had expected. Ringing the bell, she waited on the shiny marble porch in the front, decorated with a little greenery here and there. It was quite pretty, maybe a little too luxurious for Hyein's taste but it was still nice to look at. The door clicked. Hyein pushed the door open and strolled in. 

The inside was quite something else. It was spotlessly clean, modern lights and paintings adorned the walls and an occasional sculpture stood tall here and there. For a moment she wondered if she had walked into a museum by mistake. Turns out Taehyung liked to collect a lot of antiques, and they were placed neatly in rows on his shelves in interesting shapes and colors. Hyein couldn't help but marvel at the sight of it.

"Secretary Lee!" 

(Turn on the media for an immersive reading experience.)

Snapping out of her momentary daze, Hyein walked past the sculptures and antiques into his living room. He was sitting on his sofa in his pajamas, working on his computer as papers lay sprawled out by his side. His hair was down and kind of messy as if he had just woken up from his bed and he was wearing glasses that made him look gentler than his usual, more arrogant self. 


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"Mr.Kim, you are not ready yet?" Taehyung looked up briefly acknowledging her presence before he went back to his work. "I'm not going to work today."

"Alright, then." Hyein immediately turned back, taking that as her cue to leave when Taehyung's deep voice spoke up from behind, "I didn't say that you could leave."

And there she was hoping that she would get a day off. Of course, she should have known that it won't be that easy.

"I need to go somewhere. Drive." He ordered throwing his keys into the air and it shot past Hyein narrowly missing her head by an inch. She glared at him as she picked up the keys.

"Do you know where you are going or are going to pull the same trick you did yesterday?"
Taehyung gasped looking up from his laptop, "I'm not that lame." He replied acting as though he were hurt.

"Oh, I'm not so sure about that," Hyein replied simply and he smiled back cheekily, in response.

A few minutes later Hyein was in his sleek black Maserati as Taehyung himself sat beside her. Tucking in his seatbelt, he cried, "Let's go!"

The engine revved. The Maserati smoothly rolled out of the driveway onto the street and flew past the neighboring houses leaving a trail of wispy smoke that faded out into thin air.

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