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"I did that?"

Taehyung sat slumped down on the sofa, abashed, a slight shade of pink coating his cheeks.

"Yes! Not to mention the fact that you puked all over me!" Hyein cried, the clear memory of it sending shudders of disgust down her spine. Taehyung chuckled awkwardly, hoping that it would ease the tension, but Hyein was a little too angry to let go of it.

"Is it funny?" Hyein snapped, and Taehyung quickly averted his eyes with a meek 'no'.

"And guess what? It doesn't end there. "

"It doesn't?" Taehyung looked up, worried as he gulped nervously. What else had he done?

"Oh no~"

Hyein sang sarcastically as she fixed her steely gaze at the cowering figure on the Sofa.

"It gets worse."


Yesterday Night (continued)

"Just one more step, Mr.Kim. The door's right there."

Hyein instructed as she encouraged the wasted man by her side to walk forward. Taehyung was absolutely wasted and he couldn't even take a single step forward on his own. Hyein was holding him by his waist, annoyance etched all over her face as Taehyung clung onto her neck for support. The strain was killing her but Hyein managed to keep it.

"Look, just one more step Mr.Kim."

"I don't want to," Taehyung whined, pulling further back away from the door, turning his head back around so that his face was dangerously close to her face.
Hyein forced it away repulsively. She doesn't want to get puked over once again, Thank you very much.

"Mr.Kim, please." Hyein begged but Taehyung just pouted back at her, "If you don't open it, I'll freeze to death from the cold. You wouldn't want that, would you?"

Taehyung made an 'O' with his mouth as the realization set in and he shook his head.

"No, I don't."

"Good then, please. Open the door." Hyein felt a bit relieved as he nodded his head. Taking an unsteady breath, Taehyung clicked on the doorknob as the numbers shined on it, asking him for the passcode. Taehyung stared at it curiously biting his lower lip, then he turned towards her.

"What's the passcode?"

Oh my god, this rotten piece of-

Breathe out, Hyein, breathe out.

"I don't know, Sir. You never told me your password." Hyein replied through her clenched teeth. In fact, she could clearly remember him being especially secretive about typing it in front of others. Hyein thought secretaries usually knew the password of their bosses but evidently, this guy did not trust her with it. Smart move.

"I never told you?" Taehyung pursed his lips as he looked back at the doorknob. Then suddenly, as if the light was switched on, Taehyung remembered it. Ah, yes.

"I remembered."

"Oh my god, really?" Hyein asked as a relieved smile lit up on her face. Taehyung nodded. "I'll tell you."

"Okay." Hyein cried with fake enthusiasm for the sake of the drunken man-child, hoping that it was not a bluff.

"It's...one...." Taehyung dragged as he slowly pressed the number on the lock. Hyein nodded her head, encouraging him to go on. "Yeah, and....?"

Taehyung slowly lifted up his hands again, and inched it towards the keypad as he dragged, "...Oooone...."

"Okaaay, type in the next number," Hyein said, forcing her face into a smile, masking her annoyance as she patiently waited. Taehyung lifted his hands back up and moved it slowly, excruciatingly slowly towards the third number with a certain childish excitement.


Hyein's smile faded. This guy was playing with her. He obviously doesn't remember the password. Nevertheless, she clung on to the last bit of hope.

"And?" Hyein urged him and Taehyung smiled back at her, "What is it? 2? 3?"

Taehyung pressed the last number on the keypad with a triumphant grin as he said it out loud, "...one." Hyein sighed, almost running out of patience.

"Taehyung, that's not your pass-"

"Dudoo! The doors open!" An electronic voice announced and there was a definite click of the door. Hyein's mouth hung open. That's his password?!! I wonder why the intruder didn't come in through the door...

Hyein carefully guided Taehyung inside, tightly holding onto him so that he won't fall down as she bit down on her lower lip, using the pain as a distraction from the anger that was boiling inside.

It took a few minutes to drag the heavy man to his living room couch though it wasn't her first time. She had done the same before but thankfully a friend named Namjune or something was there. She wasn't so lucky this time. Finally, huffing and puffing, Hyein managed to drag him to his couch.

"Go to sleep, okay? I'll get going then." Hyein whispered as Taehyung laid down on the couch.

She stood up and was about to leave when she felt a hand grip on her wrist. Confused, she turned back.

"Stay," Taehyung ordered.

"W-what? No, I have to go home." Hyein stuttered, surprised. Taehyung increased the grip on her hand, frowning.

"Look here, I-I can't stay here. I have to go back home." He showed no signs of letting go of her hand as he held on to it with a glare as if her hand was some sort of stuffed toy that Hyein was going to take away from him.

"T-then, I'll just go and close the door and I'll come back, okay? So let go of my hand." Hyein tried in an attempt to slip away but it didn't work.

"The door closes automatically," Taehyung growled, displeased at her for lying.

"B-but Sir-"

"Stay!" Taehyung demanded and tightened the hold so much that Hyein could feel it getting numb from the lack of blood flow. This guy!

She had no other option but to stay until he fell asleep. 

 "Fine." She replied defeatedly.

Taehyung had smiled like a kid who was given candy on Halloween and had kept her hand close to his face as she sat on the floor beside the sofa waiting for him to close his eyes and sleep. Hyein didn't know how much time had passed but as she waited by the couch staring back at his smooth face, the day's exhaustion had come crashing down on her and soon, she found herself drifting off to dreamland.

 Hyein didn't know how much time had passed but as she waited by the couch staring back at his smooth face, the day's exhaustion had come crashing down on her and soon, she found herself drifting off to dreamland

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