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Hyein slowly came to be.

A constant beeping filled the silence. Everything felt still. And suddenly there was a sharp pain in her abdomen and it made her flinch. Hyein's throat was dry and her eyelids felt heavy. She was too tired.

"Hyein wake up. I know you are awake."

A low raspy voice commanded. It wasn't just an order, it was a request. It was desperate.

Hyein opened her eyes slowly. The light in the room momentarily blinded her eyes. Once they gained focus, it fell on the disheveled figure who sat by her bedside. He was a mess, his eyes bloodshot, his shirt covered in soot and blood. As her eyes fell on him, he stared back. What lay behind them was truly confusing. Was he angry? Or was it guilt? Or relief? She wasn't sure.

"God... you won't give me a break do you?" Hyein asked but her voice cracked and it came out slow and breathy. She was extremely tired. Taehyung didn't reply as he gazed at her. He appeared cold and distant. Hyein wondered why.

"O-Oh Mansik-"

"He got arrested," Taehyung replied. And that was all. He was still staring at her. Hyein concluded that it must be guilt.

"I'm fine..." Hyein breathed out wanting to reassure him.

He sighed heavily. "I should've never gotten you involved in this. I shouldn't even have hired you."

Hyein furrowed her eyebrows.

"What do you mean.."

"I know I said I would make life miserable for you but Hyein... that was never my intention. I never wanted you to get hurt much less put your life in danger."

Hyein remained silent. Taehyung inhaled bracingly as he spoke, "I'll release you from the job. I'll find you a good position and transfer you there."

"What?" Hyein whispered.

"You don't need to work with me anymore," Taehyung explained.

"You, you can't be- You wouldn't even have caught Mansik if it weren't for me," Hyein said her voice strained.

"Of course. I will compensate you accordingly. You won't ever have to get involved with me again."

"A-are you kidding me?" Hyein exclaimed her eyes glistening and her throat constricted painfully, "Are you going to kick me out? Just like that?"

Taehyung nodded his head, averting his eyes. He couldn't bring himself to look at her.

"I did so much for you. We worked together. Did it mean nothing to you?" Hyein's voice cracked towards the end. Hyein didn't know why she was getting emotional. This was what she wanted. But she didn't know why it hurt. Perhaps it was the drug. Maybe it was the side effect of the anesthetic.

The question caught Taehyung off guard. He looked at her lost for words. "I..I-"

"You know what? Do it. That's what I have wanted anyway. It never meant anything to me. So, go ahead."

Taehyung looked hurt. He opened his mouth to say something but Hyein didn't want to hear it.

"If that's all, please leave. I need to rest." Hyein turned away from him and the movement pained her.


"Leave me alone." She ordered not bothering to look at him. Taehyung hesitated. He wanted to say something. He wanted to stay but he complied. Slowly he turned around and left.

A single tear rolled down Hyein's cheek.

A single tear rolled down Hyein's cheek

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