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Hyein burst into the bedroom and gasped.

The whole bedroom was in chaos. Bedsheets, and clothes on the ground, the paintings in his room scratched and torn, the chairs lay upturned and all of his books lay torn in pieces. Everything was broken except for one lone desk that sat in the center of the room with a note on it.

 Everything was broken except for one lone desk that sat in the center of the room with a note on it

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Taehyung was on the ground frantically crawling away from something. He was shivering and trembling as he tried to draw back but he couldn't. The sight was too horrifying and he couldn't do anything, His limbs felt useless, his vision blurred around the edges and it felt like everything was screaming at him to give up.

No..... please

Hyein looked up and found the cause of his distress.


She immediately picked up the flower and disposed of it in a nearby trash can, out of his sight

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She immediately picked up the flower and disposed of it in a nearby trash can, out of his sight. She then ran back to the frail boy on the ground still shivering, hugging his knees tightly, hiding behind them. Sweat dripped down from his face and Taehyung felt cold. 

It was dark and he couldn't breathe. His heart beat frantically against his chest. He was afraid. 

Make it stop!


Immediately, he felt a hand on the back gently patting his shoulders, as soft whispers told him to calm down. "Taehyung, it's okay....it's okay...."

He didn't know why but slowly he felt his breaths become even as his tensed-up shoulders relaxed giving into the touch but his eyes remained closed. He was afraid of it. What if it's still there? He didn't want to see it.

"Taehyung, look at me."

Taheyung didn't. He was just too afraid. If he opened his eyes now he would see it. No, he can't...

"Taehyung. Look. At. Me." Hyein commanded and Taehyung reluctantly opened his eyes focusing them only on her pale, concerned face, scared that the cursed thing might still be there.

"Look," Hyein whispered softly, "It's gone. It's not there anymore..."

He didn't want to. But he knew he must. Bracing himself for the horrendous sight, Taehyung looked.

She was right. It was not there anymore. He breathed a sigh of relief as he let his head back fall back onto his knees, slowly feeling the cool air fill in his lungs and the reassuring warmth of the hand on his back. 

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